Kansas premiere “Our Last Stand” hosted by In Defense of Christians-Wichita

Dear Saints of Grace and Trinity,

Just a reminder regarding the upcoming movie “Our Last Stand” and the Q&A following: If anyone is interested in obtaining (free) tickets, please do so at the Warren Box Office or at http://www.warrentheatres.com/eastwarren.asp. They will be available beginning next Monday, 9/12. Remember, seating is limited

Yours in Christ our life,
The Kansas premiere of Our Last Stand will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, at the Warren Theatre East. Tickets are free but seating is limited.
Tickets will be available beginning Sept. 12 at the box office and at http://WarrenTheatres.com/EastWarren.asp. The event is being hosted by In Defense of Christians – Wichita

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