Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

20 August 2021
*Commemoration of Samuel*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

This Sunday is
*The 12th Sunday after Trinity*
T the Sunday of the Deaf Mute T
Isaiah 29:17-24; 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Mark 7:31-37 <www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+29%3A17-24%3B+2+Corinthians+3%3A4-11%3B+Mark+7%3A31-37&version=ESV>

*Faith Comes from Hearing*
*A man who was deaf and therefore also had an impediment in his speech was brought to Jesus (Mark 7:31–37). In the same way, all are by nature deaf toward God and therefore also unable to confess the faith rightly. For “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:9–17). Jesus put His fingers into the man’s ears, and He spat and touched His tongue. Even so in Holy Baptism, water sanctified by the words of Jesus’ mouth is applied to us; and the finger of God, that is, the life–giving Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:4–11) is put into our ears in the hearing of the baptismal Gospel. Jesus’ sighing “Ephphatha” opened the man’s ears, and his tongue was loosed to speak plainly as Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah, “In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book” (Is. 29:18–24) So also, He who sighed and breathed His last on the cross for us has given us to hear and believe in Him and has opened our lips that our mouths may declare His praise.*

Join us for the *Divine Service* at *Grace* at *8am* or *Trinity *at *11am* and for *Bible study* at *9:30am* *at Grace. *For Bible Study, we’ll review the Ordination service and the Scripture that puts a man into the Office of the Holy Ministry.

*Those Serving* *at Grace & Trinity today…*
*Trinity** Grace*
*Counter: the Pressnells Counters: Jeanette*
*Greeters: the Smiths Greeters: the Brunners*
*Ushers: Roger Zwemke & Ushers: Cory & Terry*
* Derrel Pressnell Altar Guild: the Kennys*
*Altar Guild: Sheryl Anderson*
*Elder: **Kendall Patterson*

*To prepare* your hearts and minds for the Sunday gathering of the faithful, here is the bulletin for Sunday <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/d61031c2-a67b-514e-a3e5-f3478c92b829/2021_08_22_Trinity_12.pdf>. Meditate on the readings, pray the prayers, and consider what gifts our Lord has for us this week. Also, here are the news/notes <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/59529c2a-7cab-d368-2f95-0ec4a3963b65/8_22_21_News_Notes1.pdf> and the congregation at prayer <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/8268c1cb-327d-5671-3bcf-a440952d9228/2021_8_22_The_Twelfth_Sunday_after_Trinity.pdf> .

*Prayer Requests…*
· For Bill & Ruth Couch, Rachel Smith’s parents. Bill is facing various health concerns.
· For the family and friends of Vincent, a family friend of Induwara, who fell asleep in Christ this past Tuesday following some complications from surgery.
· For those in Haiti suffering from the destruction and death that has come in the wake of the recent earthquake. For more info on how to help, see the LCMS Disaster Response <www.lcms.org/emailviewonwebpage.aspx?erid=1a4b0906-1c6a-499d-a83b-5e4539147269&trid=1a4b0906-1c6a-499d-a83b-5e4539147269>.
· For Seth Myers, hospitalized this week with a kidney stone and infection.
· For Rose, Angela Mooneyham’s niece, in the ICU with COVID.
· For Mary Hubbard, preparing to undergo cataract surgery.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Today: **Commemoration of Samuel*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: *
o *9am-4pm *St. John Worship Conference, Topeka <stjohnlcmstopeka.org/learning/worshipconf/>
· *Sunday (8/22): **12th Sunday after Trinity (11th anniversary of my ordination & installation)*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *12:15pm *Special Voters’ Mtg., Trinity (*pertaining to the possible call of an associate pastor in tandem with Concordia Academy*)
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
o *3:30pm *Quarterly Voters’ Mtg., Grace (*also addressing, in part, the possible associate pastor call*)
· *Monday*: *Commemoration of Isaac*
o *8:30am *Matins, Immanuel*
o *3:30pm *Grace Elders’ Mtg., Grace
· *Tuesday: **Feast of St. Bartholomew*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
· *Wednesday: *
o *8:30am *Matins, Immanuel*
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Grace
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: *
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *7:30pm *Hall of Men, the Ladder
· *Friday: **Commemoration of St. Monica*
o *8:30am *Matins, Immanuel*
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: **Commemoration of St. Augustine*
o *3-7:30pm *Circuit Visit & Joint-Parish BBQ, Grace
· *Sunday (8/29): **Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
o *3:30pm *Elders’ Book Study, Grace

*Looking Ahead…*
· *August 28* is our Joint-Parish Picnic. We’ll also have an official “visit” by our Circuit Visitor, Pr. Lovett. Please join us at 3pm at Grace and stick around for dinner, drinks, and games. To prepare for the visit, please feel free to fill out this survey <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/08def2a8-993a-0eb7-0614-a961bb40982f/Questionnaire_for_Laity_Circuit_Visit.docx>. It won’t be collected, but it will help guide the conversation.
· *September 11* – *CLOTHING GIVEAWAY*! On Saturday, from 9a-12p, Grace’s Board of Social Ministry will hold a clothing giveaway. Donations will be accepted and appreciated until the first of September. Please drop off donations at Grace on Sunday mornings, Tuesdays from 9-11a, or you can contact Jennifer Reyes at 316-300-0500 for other arrangements. Volunteers for sorting the week prior are always needed, as is help the day of the event. Please mark your calendars and contact Jennifer with any questions and let her know if you are able to help. Thanks!
· *September 18th *– Lutherans for Life Annual Meeting and Program (Conference) at Trinity. Lutherans from around Kansas will gather to hear various presentations and devotions from areas pastors addressing a variety of life issues, a keynote address by Pr. Jeff Duncan, and learn how we might form “Life Teams” in our churches. Because lunch will be provided, LFL would love to know if you’re able to join us. Please simply email Jeanne Mackay at jmac14430@gmail.com. We’ll begin with Matins at 9am and end by 4pm. The presentations will largely be done by lunch.
· *September 18th *- All-Day Prayer Vigil at Immanuel. What’s a Prayer Vigil? Well, it’s a time set aside for the congregation to gather in prayer, as our Lord says, “Watch and pray!” But for more information, read this <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/50fbc58f-6036-10f6-07ea-31c6395851e6/Prayer_Vigil_PDF_.pdf>. I’d encourage you all to take a bit of time and go to Immanuel to join in the prayers of the church.
· *September 24-25 *is the Annual Men’s Retreat <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/4deefc14-df15-6b3a-1c62-4a59e5c3a318/Men_s_Retreat_Flier_2021_.pdf> in Herington. There are only a couple more spots available. Registration is $35, each teenage son you bring is $15. Everyone will get a copy of the book *A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World* <https://www.amazon.com/Martyrs-Faith-Faithless-World/dp/0758662491>. (Books are available NOW to those who’ve registered!) If you’re planning to come, let me know and give me your cash or check (made out to Trinity Lutheran Church, with “Men’s Retreat” in the memo). If you’d like to ride together in a big van that we rent, let me know!

*Other Things…*
· *Stolen Pickup*: no, it’s still not found. Please keep an eye out.
· *The Lutheran Witness *subscriptions are due. If you’d like to receive the monthly journal for only $18/year, let me know NOW. You don’t need to pay yet.
· *Trinity Ladies’ Guild/LWML* is collecting items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits until August 22. We’re collecting lightweight, dark colored bath towels, bath size bars of soap, adult size toothbrushes, metal nail clippers, sturdy combs. The kits will be assembled and boxed on September 11 at 9:30am.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.

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