Trinity E-News

+ Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity +

October 20, 2024

God Declares Us Righteous, Unsheathing His Word Against All Evil

“‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Gen. 1:1—2:3). The Father speaks, and it is so. His Word accomplishes what it says. He created all things out of nothing through His Son by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Father’s creative Word became flesh in Jesus Christ, that He might restore fallen creation and save fallen man. To the nobleman whose son was deathly ill, Jesus says, “Go; your son will live” (John 4:46–54). And in the very hour Jesus spoke, the nobleman’s son was made well. The Word of Christ still accomplishes what it says. In baptism, absolution, and the Lord’s Supper, He declares His life–giving forgiveness to you, and it is so. This saving Word of God is the sword of the Spirit by which you are able to fight off all the onslaughts of the devil (Eph. 6:10–17). “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.”

Sunday Resources:

Bulletin for the Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity ~ October 20, 2024

News & Notes for 10-20-24

Congregation at Prayer for Trinity 21 ~ 10/20/24

El boletín de este domingo en español

Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday

Sunday Readings:

Old Testament:            Genesis 1:1—2:3

Epistle Reading:         Ephesians 6:10-17                              

Gospel:                        John 4:46-54  

Sunday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Judges

Wednesday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Matthew

Week of the Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity (October 20 – 26, 2024):


  • 9:00 a.m.    Divine Service
  • 10:30 a.m.  Bible Study
  • 1:30 p.m.    Misa en Español w/ meal
  • 3:00 p.m.   Reformation Choir practice


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 7:00 p.m. Security Committee meeting

Wednesday ~ Feast of St. James of Jerusalem, Brother of Jesus & Martyr

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:30 a.m.    Bible Study
  • 11:00 a.m.  Divine Service
  • 5:15 p.m.   Catechesis and meal
  • 7:00 p.m.   Evening Prayer


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 4:30 p.m.   Private Confession
  • 7:00 p.m.   Reformation Choir practice

Friday ~ Commemoration of Dorcas (Tabitha), Lydia, & Phoebe, Faithful Women       

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins

Saturday ~ Commemoration of Philpp Nicolai, Johann Heermann, and Paul Gerhardt, Hymnwriters


  • OMT Theological Reading Group

      Tuesday, November 19 (Trinity)

      8:30 am     Matins

      9:15 am     Reading Discussion

      11:15 am   Prayer

      11:30 am   Lunch

Reading Assignment: Due: Salkeld, Brett.  Transubstantiation:  Theology, History, and Christian Unity.  Ada, Michigan, Baker Academic Publishing, 2019.  (288 pages)

  • Catechesis begins with a meal at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. There are classes for all ages. Pastor Filipek is teaching confirmation and adults, Kendall Patterson is teaching elementary age, and Amy Filipek is with preschool and younger children. Everyone is welcome!
  • Joint Reformation Festival Join Wichita Circuits 10 and 11 as we celebrate the Reformation with a Divine Service at 4:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church on October 27, 2024. There will be a free potluck banquet to follow at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share; ham and beverages will be provided.  Please sign up in the narthex or in the Fellowship hall. (You only need to sign up once.) Or contact the church office at (316) 685-1571 to let us know how many to prepare for in advance. Come celebrate with us!


  • Do You Like To Sing?  On October 20, the Reformation Choir will practice at 3 p.m. in the choir loft of Trinity.  (The door by the kitchen will be unlocked.)  We will sing the Introit, the Gradual, and hymns from the hymnal for the Reformation festival on October 27th at 4 p.m.  Come sing with us!  Everyone is welcome!
  • Did you sign the cards for pastors yet? Please sign the pastors’ cards in the narthex for Pastor Appreciation Month.  This will be the last Sunday before we send them out.  Thank you!
  • Luther Hostel  Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne, Indiana, will host its annual Luther Hostel November 6-8, 2024.  This year’s theme is “Timely Topics for the Life of the Church.”  Questions?  Call Tim Witek.  View online HERE.
  • CTSFW Christmas Marketplace  The Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne is seeking donations for their Christmas Marketplace.  These gifts encourage the students and bring joy to them, making the holidays memorable in many ways. Are you willing to collect gift cards this  

Christmas season? The gift cards will be shared with the students before they leave for their Christmas break in December.  It would be a blessing to receive:  

1. Gift cards in increments of $10.00, $20.00, or $25.00, which may be utilized at local Fort Wayne  merchants and national chain stores such as Walmart, Kroger, Target, JC Penney, Meijer, Macy’s, or restaurant chains such as Applebee’s, Cracker Barrel, McDonald’s, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Pizza Hut, Red Robin,  Subway, Texas Roadhouse, Wendy’s, etc.  

2. Service station and gas cards from Shell, Marathon, BP, or Speedway in increments of  $25.00 and above.

3. Cash gifts to purchase dining hall lunch tickets.  The lunch tickets allow students who live off  campus to eat lunch on campus rather than  needing to bring their meals from home.  

The cards or cash gifts must arrive at the Seminary by  December 1.  Please use this link to download the brochure and donation form.  Thank you!

  • Updated Directory There are copies of the latest church directory in the narthex.  Please pick one up at your leisure.
  • Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
  • Happenings at Fairmount Ministries
  • 6:47 Tuesdays @ Fairmount!  College Age/Young Adult Fellowship/Bible Group E-mail for more info.
  • T.O.T.(Formerly Theology on Tap) is Sunday, Oct. 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Old School Tap House in Kechi. Pastor Matthew Goltl from Risen Savior will lead the discussion on Art and Theology: how we depict historical events of scripture in art and how different cultures interpret biblical events.
  • All Saints’ Day Festival.  Saturday, November 2nd  4:00-6:30 pm at Immanuel Church. There will be a Reformation Walk geared toward youth, games, food, and educational stations on Reformational Germany set up in the fellowship hall. Costumes are encouraged!  Please bring a pot of chili or a dozen cinnamon rolls to share! The day will end with Vespers.
  • Faith Lutheran School Dinner & Auction Fundraiser: FLS’s dinner and large auction is Nov. 2, 6:00 pm, at the FLS gym located at 208 S. Derby Ave, Derby, KS. The dinner features Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken, Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, House Salad, Cowboy Beans, Desserts, and Drinks. The cost is $20 and may be purchased by emailing or calling 788-1715, ext. 103.

You can still come to the auction, even if you would not like to order dinner!

Please let us know if you will be attending.

                                    Itinerary for the Night

                                    5:00 PM Check In, Childcare Check In, Silent Auction Begins

                                    6:00 PM Silent Auction Ends & Dinner Begins

                                    7:00 PM Live Auction Begins

                                    7:30 PM Check Out & Win Distribution

                                    8:00 PM Childcare Check Out

                                                            Childcare Details:

  • Childcare will be held at Faith Lutheran Church, supervised by staff of the school and church. 
  • Staff of the school and church have completed background checks.
  • The cost of childcare includes dinner for the children.

Cost of Childcare: $10 Cap per Family: $20  Dinner for Children: Pizza!

Link for Childcare:

A Message from The Kansas District LCMS Office  As many of you know, there is a great need in the eastern regions of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricane.  Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:

LCMS Mid-South District: 

LCMS Southeastern District:  

LCMS Florida-Georgia District:

 Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery.  Let us join in prayer together as we “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  In the service of Christ, Rev. Justin Panzer, Kansas District President


Issues, Etc.For the week of October 20

Lutheranism in the Public Square . . . Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s topics include: The Movie “Joker Folie a Deux,” A Christian Response to Jordan Peterson’s Appeal with Young Men, The 50th Anniversary of the Walkout at Concordia Seminary, Hurricane Milton Relief Efforts and more.  You can listen on-demand at, the LPR mobile app, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple HomePod, TuneIn or a podcast provider. Listen Here for other Issues, Etc. programs.

As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:

Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year

Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year


Trinity Lutheran Church           

Concordia Academy Wichita              Concordia Academy Wichita – Home

Kansas District LCMS                        LCMS Kansas District | (

The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Eighth Day Books                               Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Institute                           Welcome to Eighth Day Institute

Concordia Publishing House              Home – Concordia Publishing House (

Issues, Etc.                                

Luther Classical College                     Luther Classical College

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