+ First Sunday in Lent +
March 9, 2025
In the Garden, man exalts himself to be a god in place of God (Gen. 3:1–21). He succumbs to the temptation of the devil, and eating of the forbidden fruit, he receives death. But in the sin-cursed wilderness, God humbles Himself to become man in place of man (Mt. 4:1–11). He does not eat but fasts and bears the onslaughts of the devil for us that we may be restored to life. Jesus stands as David in our place to do battle against the Goliath, Satan (1 Samuel 17:40–51). Though outwardly Jesus appears weak, yet He comes in the name of the Lord of hosts. He draws from the five smooth stones of the books of Moses and slings the Word of God. The stone sinks into the forehead, and the enemy falls. In Christ we are victorious over the devil. Let us therefore not receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor. 6:1–10), but seeing that we have a great High Priest, let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain help in time of need (Heb 4:14–16).
Sunday Resources:
Bulletin for Invocabit ~ March 9, 2025
Congregation at Prayer for Invocabit ~ 3/9/25
Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday
Sunday Readings:
Old Testament: Genesis 3:1-21
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11
Sunday Catechesis:
- The Augsburg Confession
Wednesday Catechesis:
- The Book of Matthew
Week of Invocabit (March 9 through March 15, 2025):
- 8:30 a.m. Choir practice in Fellowship Hall
- 9:00 a.m. Divine Service
- 10:30 a.m Bible Study
- 8:30 a.m. Matins
- 8:30 a.m. Matins
- 6:00 p.m. Council meeting
- 8:30 a.m. Matins
- 9:30 a.m. Bible Study
- 11:00 a.m. Divine Service
- 5:45 p.m. Lenten meal
- 6:30 p.m. Choir practice in Fellowship Hall
- 7:00 p.m. Vespers
- 8:30 a.m. Matins
- 4:30 p.m. Private Confession
- 8:30 a.m. Matins
- OMT Theological Reading Group
Tuesday, March 18 (Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
Reading Assignment: Due: Bonneau, Normand. The Sunday Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape. Collegeville, Minnesota, The Liturgical Press, 1998. (165 pages)
- Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala Tickets are now available for our annual Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala. Don’t miss your chance to help Sustain the Fire and be part of the Phoenix Rising!
- Faith at Work Faith At Work is a district-wide local community service event to kick off on April 6, 2025. Keith Buhr has volunteered as crew leader and is requesting volunteers to participate as a group for Trinity Lutheran. Last year we participated in many events, including joining with CAW for a park renovation and serving a meal at Ronald McDonald House. Anyone interested can sign the form in the narthex, meet with Keith after service, or email kkbphd@gmail.com. We still have T-shirts from last year, so please also request preferred size for your volunteer participation.
- Lenten Meals A simple soup meal will be served before Wednesday services during lent, beginning March 12th. The meals will be served from 5:45-6:30p and you can come anytime during that time to eat. Service will start at 7p.There is a signup sheet in the narthex if you’d like to help bring food. If you have any questions, please contact Patricia VanSant.
- Special Voters’ Meeting Trinity will hold a voters’ meeting to nominate ordained candidate(s) for Vice-President of Kansas District Region 3 (the region which Trinity is in). Any pastor of the congregations in Region 3 is eligible if willing to serve. Pastor Michael Schotte of St Paul Preston, the current Region 3 VP, is eligible and willing to stand for election again. The special voters’ meeting will be March 16 immediately after the Divine Service.
- Offering Envelopes and Giving Statements Please pick up your 2025 offering envelopes and/or 2024 giving statements in the narthex on your way out of church. Thank you!
- Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
- A Message from The Kansas District LCMS Office As many of you know, there is a great need in the eastern regions of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricane. Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:
LCMS Mid-South District: https://mid-southlcms.org/
LCMS Southeastern District: https://se.lcms.org/
LCMS Florida-Georgia District: https://flgadistrict.org/
Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery. Let us join in prayer together as we “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). In the service of Christ, Rev. Justin Panzer, Kansas District President
Fairmount Ministries
- 6:47 Tuesdays @Fairmount! College Age/Young Adult Fellowship/Bible Group
E-mail hannah@fairmountministries.org for more info. Bible Study Topic: Basics of our Faith.
- Faith on Tap March 16th, 2025 – Old School Tap House 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Kechi. Pastor Nick Cordt from Bethany Lutheran will lead the discussion on “We’ve Always Done It That Way”: Taking a look at what is Lent, and all the traditions that we may (or may not have). Is it peer pressure, personal piety, or just something we do and aren’t sure why?
- Community event: Cafe, Clips, and Chats! Friday, March 21 from 6 pm to 7 pm at Fairmount. Watch movie clips together, then follow discussion prompts at your table.
- Call for Nominations: National Synod Officer, Board, and Commission Positions The Committee for Convention Nominations requests nominations of qualified members of Synod member congregations for positions to be filled by the Synod convention meeting July 18-23, 2026. Officers, agencies, ordained and commissioned ministers, and members congregations and their lay members are all invited to submit nominations, to be received preferably before Aug. 18, 2025 and no later than Oct. 18, 2025. For more information, please go to lcms.org/nominate. Any member of a congregation with a valid e-mail address will be able to establish an account and submit a nomination.
Issues, Etc. For the week of March 9
MAKING THE CASE CONFERENCE Dr. Jon Bruss, president of Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne, IN, and Dr. Thomas Egger, president of Concordia Seminary-St. Louis will be speaking at the 2025 Issues, Etc. “Making the Case” Conference Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19 at Concordia University Chicago. CNN Political Commentator Scott Jennings will also be speaking. We will be announcing the rest of the speaking lineup in the next few weeks. Early bird registration is $140 and includes three meals. Attendance is limited. CLICK HERE for more information.
As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:
Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year
Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year
Trinity Lutheran Church tlcwichita.org
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | (kslcms.org)
The Lutheran Church Missouri SynodLCMS.org – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House (cph.org)
Issues, Etc. issuesetc.org
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College