Trinity E-News

+ Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity +

August 25, 2024

Sunday Resources:

Bulletin for the Thirteenth Sunday of Trinity ~ August 25, 2024

News & Notes for 8-25-24

Congregation at Prayer for Trinity 13 ~ 8/25//24

Sunday Readings:

Old Testament:            2 Chronicles 28:8-15

Epistle:                        Galatians 3:15-22                   

Gospel:                        Luke 10:23-37

Sunday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Judges

Wednesday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Matthew

Week of Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (August 25 – August 31, 2024):


  • 9:00 a.m.    Divine Service
  • 10:30 a.m.  Bible Study
  • 1:30 p.m.    Misa en Español with meal


  • No Matins – Pastor Filipek on vacation

Tuesday ~ Commemoration of  Monica, Mother of Augustine

  • No Matins – Pastor Filipek on vacation

Wednesday ~ Commemoration of Augustine of Hippo, Pastor & Theologian

  • No Matins, Bible Study, or Divine Service – Pastor Filipek on vacation
  • 7:00 p.m.   Evening Prayer

Thursday ~ The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist

  • No Matins or Private Confession – Pastor Filipek on vacation


  • No Matins – Pastor Filipek on vacation


  • OMT Theological Reading Group

      Tuesday, September 17 (Trinity)

      8:30 am     Matins

      9:15 am     Reading Discussion

      11:15 am   Prayer

      11:30 am   Lunch

Reading Assignment: Due: O’Malley, John W.  When Bishops Meet: An Essay Comparing Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II.  Cambridge, Massachusetts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019.  (240 pages)

  • Catechesis begins September 11, 2024 with a meal at 5:15 p.m. There will be classes for all ages. Pastor Filipek will be teaching confirmation and adults, Kendall Patterson will be teaching elementary age, and Amy Filipek will be with preschool and younger children. Everyone is welcome!


  • Updated Directory There are copies of the latest church directory in the narthex.  Please pick one up at your leisure.
  • White Phoenix Kung Fu Aaron Carter will be teaching Kung Fu classes in the basement of Trinity until September.  These classes are FREE to all Trinity members!  All skill levels are welcome, even beginners!   Classes will meet Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Wear comfortable exercise clothes.  Questions?  E-mail Aaron at:
  • Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
  • Happenings at Fairmount Ministries
  • Gathering Dinner and Silent/Online Auction at Botanica: Oct. 17th from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. We are looking for Sponsors! If you would like to become a sponsor or make a donation, go to for more information.

Thomas Organ For Sale!  Would you like to own a Thomas organ for your home?  Cristina Fruto wants to sell her home-organ.  Please contact her for more information.

Issues, Etc.

For the week of August 25

“A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles” Series… During the Lutheran Battle for the Bible, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod adopted “A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles” in 1973. It dealt with how Lutherans regarded Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.  Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, recently completed a multi-part series on this document with Lutheran historian Dr. Martin Noland. You can listen to this series at

Listen Here for other Issues, Etc. programs.

Issues, Etc. Journal  The next Issues, Etc. Journal is ready.  In this edition, Pastor Will Weedon poses the question, “If one truly believes that Jesus is among us when we gather in His name, then won’t we show that in how we worship?” The answer to this question explains why Lutherans practice reverence on Sunday mornings.  Read more in Pr. Weedon’s column, “Some Thoughts on Reverence in Worship.”  Also, in this edition, Pastor Joshua Schooping tells the story of his disillusionment with the errors of Eastern Orthodoxy and his joy in finding a truly Gospel-centered confession of faith in Confessional Lutheranism.  Click here to read the latest Issues, Etc. Journal.  Since it is a large file, it might take a minute or two to download.

As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:

Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year

Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year


Trinity Lutheran Church           

Concordia Academy Wichita              Concordia Academy Wichita – Home

Kansas District LCMS                        LCMS Kansas District | (

The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Eighth Day Books                               Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Institute                           Welcome to Eighth Day Institute

Concordia Publishing House              Home – Concordia Publishing House (

Issues, Etc.                                

Luther Classical College                     Luther Classical College

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