Trinity Torch Enews Trinity 27 Nov. 26

*The Trinity Torch E-News*
*November 26, 2023*
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of The Last Sunday of the Church Year:*
+ Sunday (Nov. 26) *Spanish Meal * (1:30 pm)
+ Wednesday (Nov. 29) *Last Confirmation Class* (Until January 2024)
+ Saturday (Dec. 2) *Christmas Decorating* (9:00 am)
+ *Christmas Decorating* Please help decorate the church on *December 2* starting at *9:00 am*.
+ *ADVENT MEALS* will be held *December 6, 13, and 20* from *5:15 to 6:30 p.m*. Please consider signing up to bring food to share. The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
+ *ADVENT BRUNCH* All ladies are invited to a brunch *December 9 from 10 a.m. to noon*. We will have a short program with music followed by fellowship and delicious food. Please sign up in the narthex for decorating a table or bringing food to share.
+ *BABY SHOWER* Please come celebrate with Sophie Arndt *December 9 at 2 p.m.* The baby shower will be in the Fellowship Hall of Trinity. She is registered on Amazon.
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, December 19 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:*
*Due:* Hurtado, Larry W., *Honoring the Son: Jesus in Earliest Christian Devotional Practice*. Bellingham, Washington, Lexham Press, 2018. (96 pages)
+ *CAROLING* Join members of Trinity, young and old, as we go caroling the neighborhood around our church. We will meet *December 21 at 6 p.m.* for singing. Afterwards, we’ll go back to church for cider, hot cocoa, and snacks. If you’d rather not sing, but want to join in the fellowship downstairs, that’s fine too! Everyone is welcome!
+ *GIFT FOR TRINITY STAFF*: The Board of Elders invite you to give a gift for our Trinity staff members. Please use the envelopes and basket in the Narthex. Thank you from the Board of Elders.
+ *Trinity Choir* CHOIR FOR ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, EPIPHANY If you are interested in singing, Trinity Choir will be practicing on *Wednesday evenings* from *6:00 to 6:45 p.m*. downstairs starting *December 6*. This is a short-term commitment. Call the church office for more information. (316) 685-1571
+ *Elder’s Book Study* The Elder’s Book Study will be cancelled until January.
+ *Confirmation Schedule *
*Last Confirmation* (until January) – Nov. 29

+ *Faith At Work* is a district wide local community service event to kick off on April 7 2024. We are entering the planning stages for the event, calling for prayer and planning. Keith Buhr has volunteered as the interim crew leader until another congregant volunteers to take over. He is requesting volunteers to form the planning team. Anyone interested can meet with him after service or email to We already have some starter ideas to choose from, and new ideas are welcome!

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.

+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of November 26*
DAILY LUTHERAN CHAPEL SERVICE… You can listen to morning chapel from Kramer Chapel at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN live weekdays at 9 a.m. Central, 10 a.m. Eastern, 8 a.m. Mountain or 7 a.m. Pacific at <…>. You can also listen on-demand at <…> . Listen Here <>
+ *Volunteers needed!* The Lord’s Diner on Hillside needs volunteers to serve our community. The first Tuesday of every month from 5 to 7:30 p.m. is when several members of Trinity are usually there, but they could always use more. If you would like more information or if you would like to sign up, please contact Vicki Bessey at (316) 641-7863.

+ *Concordia Academy Wichita Rifle Raffle*
Get your tickets today at your chance to win a Howa M1500 Kryptek Typhon 6.5CR Rifle through the Phoenix Shooters Rifle Raffle! Tickets are only $10 each and the winner will be drawn on Friday, *December 15* just in time for Christmas! Contact a team member or our office at 316-202-8989 to purchase your chance today!
All funds raised by ticket sales will go towards the Phoenix Shooting Team to purchase supplies.

*Watch Phoenix Shooting Team Video *Rifle Raffle Ad ( <>
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

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Trinity Torch E-News Trinity 24 Nov. 19

*The Trinity Torch E-News*
*+ TRINITY 24 +*
*November 19, 2023*
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of Trinity 24:*
+ Sunday (Nov. 19)* – Voter’s Meeting *@ 11:30 am with Lunch
+ Sunday (Nov. 19)* – Elder’s Book Study *Cancelled
+ Tuesday (Nov. 21)* – OMT Reading Group*
+ Wednesday (Nov. 22)* – **No Matins at 8:30 am; No Bible Study at 9:30 am; No Divine Service at 11:00 am; No Catechesis at 5:15 am.** Thanksgiving Eve Divine Service at 7:00 pm*
+ Thursday (Nov. 23)* – OFFICE CLOSED; **No Matins at 8:30 am; No Private Confession at 4:30 pm*
+ Friday (Nov. 24) – *OFFICE CLOSED; **No Matins at 8:30 am*
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, November 21 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:*
*Due:* Scaer, David P. *The Sermon on the Mount: The Church’s First Statement of the Gospel*. St. Louis, Missouri, Concordia Publishing House, 2000. (272 pages)
+ *Christmas Decorating* Please help decorate the church on *December 2* starting at *9:00 am*.
+ *ADVENT MEALS* will be held *December 6, 13, and 20* from *5:15 to 6:30 p.m*. Please consider signing up to bring food to share. The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
+ *Trinity Choir* CHOIR FOR ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, EPIPHANY If you are interested in singing, Trinity Choir will be practicing on *Wednesday evenings* from *6:00 to 6:45 p.m*. downstairs starting *December 6*. This is a short-term commitment. Call the church office for more information. (316) 685-1571
+ *Voter’s Meeting* There will be a Voters meeting on *November 19th* after Bible Study (~11:30am). A light lunch will be served. We will set the budget for 2024 and any other regular business. There will be copies of the proposed budget and meeting minutes available in the Narthex this Sunday. If anyone has questions about the budget, please see Curt or Dick.
+ *Elder’s Book Study* The Elder’s Book Study will be cancelled until January.
+ *Confirmation Schedule *
*No Confirmation* – Nov. 22 – *Thanksgiving Eve Service *– 7:00 pm
*Last Confirmation* (until January) – Nov. 29

+ *Faith At Work* is a district wide local community service event to kick off on April 7 2024. We are entering the planning stages for the event, calling for prayer and planning. Keith Buhr has volunteered as the interim crew leader until another congregant volunteers to take over. He is requesting volunteers to form the planning team. Anyone interested can meet with him after service or email to We already have some starter ideas to choose from, and new ideas are welcome!

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.
+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of November 19*
EQUIPPING THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: The Hymn “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” Forgiving Those Who Sin Against Us, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, Transhumanism and more. You can listen at your convenience at <…>, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider. Listen Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Journal*
What is a conspiracy theory? Why do some people believe them? And, can a Christian do so? In my essay, “Yes, Elvis Is Dead, but God Is in His Heaven: A Pastoral Response to Conspiracy Theories,” learn how conspiracy theories can become a form of idolatry, and why Christians should avoid them.

Also, in this edition of the *Issues, Etc. Journal*, Julie Stiegemeyer tells about how God’s Word led her from Methodism to the clarity of the Gospel found in Confessional Lutheranism.

*Click here* <…> to download the latest *Issues, Etc. Journal* for free.

+ *Kansas District Homeschool Resources (From President Panzer)*
Dear Friends,

The Washington County (KS) Public Schools 1967 grade card had this quote to parents on it: *“You therefore have a duty to perform. You must rear, nourish and educate him. Along with this teaching comes moral training as well as intellectual, social, physical and civic education.”*

It’s a fantastic phrase, and a good reminder to us of our vocation as parents. To that end, both I, and staff of the Kansas District, do get asked quite frequently about “homeschool resources,” especially in areas of our state where we do not have a Lutheran school located. We addressed this topic at an open forum during our October pastor’s conference. I have also asked, and received, from Rebekah Wright an initial resource document. Rebekah Wright is a native Michigander now living in Topeka via Iowa, Indiana, and Florida. Her husband is the senior pastor at St. John’s Lutheran in Topeka. She is a stay at home mother of five, ages nine, eight, six, five, and three. She has been homeschooling since 2019 when her oldest was five and loves it.

This email is not intended to take or draw away people from our Lutheran schools—they are absolute gems! This document is meant to serve as a “best practices” piece of what you might do or consider. If you have ideas that work for you in your context, please share them with me. For now, I invite you to check out our new “Homeschool Resources” website link on our website:

God’s blessings as you go about your day in the Lord as His baptized!

In the service of Christ,

Rev. Justin Panzer
President, LCMS Kansas District

+ *Volunteers needed!* The Lord’s Diner on Hillside needs volunteers to serve our community. The first Tuesday of every month from 5 to 7:30 p.m. is when several members of Trinity are usually there, but they could always use more. If you would like more information or if you would like to sign up, please contact Vicki Bessey at (316) 641-7863.

+ *Concordia Academy Wichita Rifle Raffle*
Get your tickets today at your chance to win a Howa M1500 Kryptek Typhon 6.5CR Rifle through the Phoenix Shooters Rifle Raffle! Tickets are only $10 each and the winner will be drawn on Friday, December 15 just in time for Christmas! Contact a team member or our office at 316-202-8989 to purchase your chance today!
All funds raised by ticket sales will go towards the Phoenix Shooting Team to purchase supplies.

*Watch Phoenix Shooting Team Video *Rifle Raffle Ad ( <>
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

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Trinity Torch E-News Trinity 23 Nov. 12

*The Trinity Torch E-News*
*+ TRINITY 23 +*
*November 12, 2023*
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of Trinity 23:*
+ *Pastor Filipek Gone –* Pastor Filipek will be guest speaker at Christ in the Home Conference *November 10-12*
+ *Trinity Choir Meeting* – *Sunday (Nov. 12) @ 11:30 am*
+ *Council Meeting* – Tuesday (Nov. 14) @ 7:00 pm
+ *Elder’s Meeting* – Thursday (Nov. 16) @ 7:00 pm
+ *Next Sunday (Nov. 19) **– Voter’s Meeting *@ 11:30 am with Lunch
+ *Next Sunday (Nov. 19)** – Elder’s Book Study *Cancelled
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, November 21 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:*
*Due:* Scaer, David P. *The Sermon on the Mount: The Church’s First Statement of the Gospel*. St. Louis, Missouri, Concordia Publishing House, 2000. (272 pages)
+ *Trinity Choir* CHOIR FOR ADVENT, CHRISTMAS, EPIPHANY If you are interested in singing, please stay for a quick meeting after Bible Study TODAY, Sunday, Nov. 12, to discuss when choir will practice. Call the church office for more information. (316) 685-1571
+ *Voter’s Meeting* There will be a Voters meeting on *November 19th* after Bible Study (~11:30am). A light lunch will be served. We will set the budget for 2024 and any other regular business. There will be copies of the proposed budget and meeting minutes available in the Narthex this Sunday. If anyone has questions about the budget, please see Curt or Dick.
+ *Elder’s Book Study* The Elder’s Book Study will be cancelled until January.
+ *Confirmation Schedule *
*No Confirmation* – Nov. 22 – *Thanksgiving Eve Service *– 7:00 pm
*Last Confirmation* (until January) – Nov. 29
+ *Faith At Work* is a district wide local community service event to kick off on April 7 2024. We are entering the planning stages for the event, calling for prayer and planning. Keith Buhr has volunteered as the interim crew leader until another congregant volunteers to take over. He is requesting volunteers to form the planning team. Anyone interested can meet with him after service or email to We already have some starter ideas to choose from, and new ideas are welcome!

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.
+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of November 12*
RESPONDING TO ARGUMENTS AGAINST CHRISTIANITY… When people challenge the truths of the Christian faith, do find yourself at a loss for answers? You can listen to the new audiobook, “Objections Overruled: Answering Arguments against Christianity,” at <…>. This new audiobook is free and produced by Lutheran Public Radio based in Collinsville, IL. LPR produces radio talk shows, podcasts, and 24/7 sacred music and talk stations. Listen Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Journal*
What is a conspiracy theory? Why do some people believe them? And, can a Christian do so? In my essay, “Yes, Elvis Is Dead, but God Is in His Heaven: A Pastoral Response to Conspiracy Theories,” learn how conspiracy theories can become a form of idolatry, and why Christians should avoid them.

Also, in this edition of the *Issues, Etc. Journal*, Julie Stiegemeyer tells about how God’s Word led her from Methodism to the clarity of the Gospel found in Confessional Lutheranism.

*Click here <…>* to download the latest *Issues, Etc. Journal* for free.

+ *Kansas District Homeschool Resources (From President Panzer)*
Dear Friends,

The Washington County (KS) Public Schools 1967 grade card had this quote to parents on it: *“You therefore have a duty to perform. You must rear, nourish and educate him. Along with this teaching comes moral training as well as intellectual, social, physical and civic education.”*

It’s a fantastic phrase, and a good reminder to us of our vocation as parents. To that end, both I, and staff of the Kansas District, do get asked quite frequently about “homeschool resources,” especially in areas of our state where we do not have a Lutheran school located. We addressed this topic at an open forum during our October pastor’s conference. I have also asked, and received, from Rebekah Wright an initial resource document. Rebekah Wright is a native Michigander now living in Topeka via Iowa, Indiana, and Florida. Her husband is the senior pastor at St. John’s Lutheran in Topeka. She is a stay at home mother of five, ages nine, eight, six, five, and three. She has been homeschooling since 2019 when her oldest was five and loves it.

This email is not intended to take or draw away people from our Lutheran schools—they are absolute gems! This document is meant to serve as a “best practices” piece of what you might do or consider. If you have ideas that work for you in your context, please share them with me. For now, I invite you to check out our new “Homeschool Resources” website link on our website:

God’s blessings as you go about your day in the Lord as His baptized!

In the service of Christ,

Rev. Justin Panzer
President, LCMS Kansas District
+ *Volunteers needed!* The Lord’s Diner on Hillside needs volunteers to serve our community. The first Tuesday of every month from 5 to 7:30 p.m. is when several members of Trinity are usually there, but they could always use more. If you would like more information or if you would like to sign up, please contact Vicki Bessey at (316) 641-7863.

+ *Concordia Academy Wichita Rifle Raffle*
Get your tickets today at your chance to win a Howa M1500 Kryptek Typhon 6.5CR Rifle through the Phoenix Shooters Rifle Raffle! Tickets are only $10 each and the winner will be drawn on Friday, December 15 just in time for Christmas! Contact a team member or our office at 316-202-8989 to purchase your chance today!
All funds raised by ticket sales will go towards the Phoenix Shooting Team to purchase supplies.

*Watch Phoenix Shooting Team Video *Rifle Raffle Ad ( <>
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Trinity Torch E-News Trinity 23 Nov. 12