Trinity Torch E-News Trinity 12 August 27

*The Trinity Torch E-News*
*August 27, 2023*
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of Trinity 12 Notes:*
+ *Pastor Filipek will be on vacation this week. There will be No Matins, No Private Confession, No Wednesday Bible Study, and No Wednesday Divine Service.*
+ *Pastor Metzger will officiate Evening Prayer*
+ If you desire to pray Matins and/or attend the Divine Service on Wednesday, please attend Immanuel. *Daily Matins at 8:00 am and Wednesday Divine Service at 11:00 am*.
*Week of Trinity 13 (Sept. 3 – 9 ) Notes:*
+ *There will be Matins on Labor Day, September 4.*
+ *Starting September 7, Private Confession will be moved to Thursdays from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. (No Private Confession on September 4)*
+ *Pastor Filipek will be at Circuit Meeting September 5.*
+ *Wednesday Night Catechesis Begins September 6*
All are invited to Midweek catechesis starting September 6. Parents will children are especially invited to attend. The schedule is as follows:
5:15 pm Meal (organized by parents)
5:45 pm Catechesis
7:00 pm Evening Prayer
*TEACHER NEEDED!* Pastor Filipek is looking for a person who is willing to teach the younger children on Wednesday nights. If you are willing, please contact him at
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, September 19 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:*
*Due:* De Lubac, Henri. *The Splendor of the Church*. San Francisco, California, Ignatius Press, 2006. (384 pages)
+ *The 7th Annual Men’s Retreat* is scheduled for September 29-30 at the Kansas District Retreat Center in Herrington, KS. This has become a popular annual event for Lutheran men young and old across the Kansas district, with activities centered on prayer, learning and fellowship. This year’s event will feature a series of presentations by the Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Boyle, Asst. Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Registration is $30 per person, which includes dinner, breakfast and lunch. The event is free for those under 23 or over 65, or any multi-generation attendees. For more information, call 636.795.2317 or email Space is limited to 30, so please register soon.
+ *Please Use The Church Library*
Deb Engelbrecht has worked hard organizing the church’s library. Thank you, Deb! Please feel free to check out books from the library. There are several new books, including some of the books read for the OMT Reading Group.

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.

+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of August 27*
CHRISTOLOGICAL, CREEDAL, CONFESSIONAL… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: Biblical Archeology, From Calvinism to Lutheranism, Biblical Masculinity, Evangelism and more. You can listen on-demand at <—KUIk1Y-8UyBSepLA5GlZtrl4wSMeuy40QMRdHhBSmpRbTJ1XWJy8wak5J7CX54osHs_BHRuJxQBkN-r4kjagI=&c=_Xguyh3zO2VxbOj-YLUiw6Q8XMO1M3…>, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider. Listen Here <>
+ *From the Kansas District:*
*Planned Giving: Creating Your Legacy*

In 2021, the Kansas District launched a partnership with the LCMS Foundation to offer Planned Giving services, to assist LCMS Kansans interested in the Godly management of their assets for the good of their families, and also the Church. Planned Giving is an excellent way to ensure that family and ministries are provided for and supported after an individual has been called by God to his/her heavenly home. Two Kansas District staff members — LCEF DVP Jeffrey Maltz and Business Manager Heather Williams — are trained Planned Giving advocates who promote and educate LCMS Kansans on gift planning. To schedule a presentation, contact Jeffrey Maltz, or Heather Williams .
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

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Trinity Torch E-news Correction

+ Monday, August (not September) 21 – MATINS
Matins will be at 8:00 am at Immanuel Lutheran Church. We will join the students of Concordia Academy Wichita for their opening school year Matins. Please attend. Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek
Trinity Lutheran Church 611 South Erie Street Wichita, KS 67211-2999 (316) 685-1571
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Trinity Torch E-News Trinity 11 August 20

*The Trinity Torch E-News*
*August 20, 2023*
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ The Gospel of John
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ The Book of Genesis
*Week of Trinity 11 Notes:*
+ *Monday, September 21 – MATINS*
Matins will be at 8:00 am at Immanuel Lutheran Church. We will join the students of Concordia Academy Wichita for their opening school year Matins. Please attend.
+ *Pastor Michael Brockman Installation*
CAW is pleased to announce that we will be installing the Rev. Michael Brockman as Chaplain of Concordia Academy Wichita on Sunday, August 20.

*”You are invited to the Installation of Rev. Michael Brockman as the Chaplain of Concordia Academy – Wichita on Sunday, August 20 at 5pm. Vespers Service will be held in the Immanuel Sanctuary with President Panzer preaching followed by a Welcome Meal and Back to School Dinner in the Fellowship Hall located at 909 S Market St, Wichita. Please RSVP to the CAW office by Wednesday, August 16 at 316-202-8989 or * ** <>*”*
+ *Wednesday Night Catechesis Begins September 6*
All are invited to Midweek catechesis starting September 6. Parents will children are especially invited to attend. The schedule is as follows:
5:15 pm Meal (organized by parents)
5:45 pm Catechesis
7:00 pm Evening Prayer
*TEACHER NEEDED!* Pastor Filipek is looking for a person who is willing to teach the younger children on Wednesday nights. If you are willing, please contact him at
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, September 19 *(Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*Reading Assignment:*
*Due:* De Lubac, Henri. *The Splendor of the Church*. San Francisco, California, Ignatius Press, 2006. (384 pages)
+ *The 7th Annual Men’s Retreat* is scheduled for September 29-30 at the Kansas District Retreat Center in Herrington, KS. This has become a popular annual event for Lutheran men young and old across the Kansas district, with activities centered on prayer, learning and fellowship. This year’s event will feature a series of presentations by the Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Boyle, Asst. Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Registration is $30 per person, which includes dinner, breakfast and lunch. The event is free for those under 23 or over 65, or any multi-generation attendees. For more information, call 636.795.2317 or email Space is limited to 30, so please register soon.
+ *Please Use The Church Library*
Deb Engelbrecht has worked hard organizing the church’s library. Thank you, Deb! Please feel free to check out books from the library. There are several new books, including some of the books read for the OMT Reading Group.

+ *Homemade Food To Share*
There is a refrigerator where the old Dr. Pepper soda machine was. Inside the fridge contains individual bags and containers of homemade food. *Any member who would like a home cooked item or wants to share with someone who could also use one, they are free to take.*
Feel free to take when needed or contact the office for more information.

+ *Are You A Dillons Shopper?* Designate Trinity as your Dillons rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to *designate Trinity every year* for this rewards program.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of August 20*
DAILY 15-MINUTE BIBLE STUDY… The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily 15-minute verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon will be leading a study this week on The Macedonian Call; The Conversion of Lydia; Paul and Silas in Prison and The Philippian Jailer Converted in Acts 15 and 16. You can listen at your convenience at <…>, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider. Listen Here <>

+ *From the Kansas District:*

*Planned Giving: Creating Your Legacy*

In 2021, the Kansas District launched a partnership with the LCMS Foundation to offer Planned Giving services, to assist LCMS Kansans interested in the Godly management of their assets for the good of their families, and also the Church. Planned Giving is an excellent way to ensure that family and ministries are provided for and supported after an individual has been called by God to his/her heavenly home. Two Kansas District staff members — LCEF DVP Jeffrey Maltz and Business Manager Heather Williams — are trained Planned Giving advocates who promote and educate LCMS Kansans on gift planning. To schedule a presentation, contact Jeffrey Maltz, or Heather Williams .
Trinity Lutheran Church <>
Concordia Academy Wichita Concordia Academy Wichita – Home <>
Kansas District LCMS LCMS Kansas District | ( <>
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod <>
Eighth Day Books Eighth Day Books <>
Eighth Day Institute Welcome to Eighth Day Institute <>
Concordia Publishing House Home – Concordia Publishing House ( <>
Issues, Etc.
Luther Classical College Luther Classical College <>

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