Trinity E-News

+ Septuagesima +

February 16, 2025


The people of Israel contended with the Lord in the wilderness (Ex. 17:1–7). They were dissatisfied with His provision. In the same way, the first laborers in the vineyard complained against the landowner for the wage he provided them (Matt. 20:1–16). They charged him with being unfair, but in reality he was being generous. For the Lord does not wish to deal with us on the basis of what we deserve but on the basis of His abounding grace in Christ. The first—those who rely on their own merits—will be last. “For they were overthrown in the wilderness” (1 Cor. 10:5). But the last, those who rely on Christ, will be first. For Christ is the Rock (1 Cor. 9:24–10:5). He is the One who was struck and from whose side blood and water flowed that we may be cleansed of our sin.

Sunday Resources:

Bulletin for Septuagesima ~ February 16, 2025

News & Notes for 2/16/2025

Congregation at Prayer for Septuagesima ~ 2/16/25

Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday

Sunday Readings:

Old Testament:            Exodus 17:1-7

Epistle:                        1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5                                 

Gospel:                        Matthew 20:1-16        

Sunday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Ruth

Wednesday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Matthew

Week of Septuagesima (February 16 through February 22, 2025):

Sunday ~ Commemoration of Philipp Melanchthon (birth), Confessor

  • 8:30 a.m.    Choir practice in Fellowship Hall
  • 9:00 a.m.    Divine Service
  • 10:30 a.m   Bible Study
  • 3:30 p.m.   Elders’ Book Study


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins

Tuesday ~ Commemoration of Martin Luther, Doctor & Confessor

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:15 a.m.    OMT


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:30 a.m.    Bible Study
  • 11:00 a.m.  Divine Service
  • 5:15 p.m.   Catechesis and meal
  • 7:00 p.m.   Evening Prayer


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 4:30 p.m.   Private Confession
  • 7:00 p.m.   Elders’ meeting


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins


  • OMT Theological Reading Group

      Tuesday, February 18 (Trinity)

      8:30 am     Matins

      9:15 am     Reading Discussion

      11:15 am   Prayer

      11:30 am   Lunch

Reading Assignment: Due: Herberger, Valerius.  The Great Works of God – Part Seven:  The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Leviticus.  Fort Wayne, Indiana, Emmanuel Press, 2024.  (196 pages)

  • Catechesis begins with a meal at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. There are classes for all ages. Pastor Filipek is teaching confirmation and adults, Kendall Patterson is teaching elementary age, and Amy Filipek is with preschool and younger children. Everyone is welcome! 
  • Concordia Academy Phoenix Players Present Hamlet!  The Concordia Academy Phoenix Players invite you to attend their production of “Hamlet” on Friday, February 21. Doors open at 6:30 and the curtain rises at 7pm. You don’t want to miss out on this! Join us in the Fellowship Hall at CAW, 909 S Market St on Friday, February 21!
  • Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala Tickets are now available for our annual Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala. Don’t miss your chance to help Sustain the Fire and be part of the Phoenix Rising!


  • Lenten Meals  A simple soup meal will be served before Wednesday services during lent, beginning March 12th. The meals will be served from 5:45-6:30p and you can come anytime during that time to eat. Service will start at 7p.There is a signup sheet in the narthex if you’d like to help bring food. If you have any questions, please contact Patricia VanSant.
  • Offering Envelopes and Giving Statements  Please pick up your 2025 offering envelopes and/or 2024 giving statements in the narthex on your way out of church.  Thank you!
  • Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
  • A Message from The Kansas District LCMS Office  As many of you know, there is a great need in the eastern regions of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricane.  Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:

LCMS Mid-South District: 

LCMS Southeastern District:  

LCMS Florida-Georgia District:

 Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery.  Let us join in prayer together as we “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  In the service of Christ, Rev. Justin Panzer, Kansas District President

  • Scholarship for Students  Concordia University Chicago “Prepared to Serve” has a scholarship program for students preparing to enter service for the church. Beginning fall 2025, eligible full-time students will pay a maximum of $5,000 in tuition and mandatory fees each academic year.

Fairmount Ministries

  • 6:47  Tuesdays @Fairmount! College Age/Young Adult Fellowship/Bible Group

E-mail for more info. Bible Study Topic: Basics of our Faith.

  • It is Bierock time! We are taking orders for our 5th Annual Bierock Fundraiser through Monday, Feb. 17th!  Cost: $35 per dozen (sales tax included)  When: Orders are open now! Bierocks will be made Feb. 13th-19th. Select your date and time for pick-up when you order.  Where: Holy Cross Lutheran 600 N. Greenwich.  Volunteers are needed to make the bierocks and help with “car hop” delivery.  To Order bierocks, sign up to volunteer, or make a donation, go to

Questions or to place a bulk order? E-mail: or call Karen Thurnau at (316) 393-6180.


Issues, Etc.

For the week of February 16

KARAOKE FOR CHRISTIAN HYMNS… You can sings hymns like “Now Thank We All Our God,” “O Lord, Look Down from Heaven Behold,” “Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done,” “O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe,” and more.  Lutheran Public Radio has produced YouTube videos of more than 50 hymns featuring the Lutheran Public Radio Choir.  Sing along at

As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:

Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year

Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year


Trinity Lutheran Church           

Concordia Academy Wichita              Concordia Academy Wichita – Home

Kansas District LCMS                        LCMS Kansas District | (

The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Eighth Day Books                               Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Institute                           Welcome to Eighth Day Institute

Concordia Publishing House              Home – Concordia Publishing House (

Issues, Etc.                                

Luther Classical College                     Luther Classical College

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Trinity E-News

+ The Transfiguration of Our Lord +

February 9, 2025


The Lord appeared to Moses in the light of the burning bush (Ex. 3:1–14). Later Moses’ face would shine with the light of God’s glory when he came down from Mount Sinai (Ex. 34:29–35). At the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared with the One who is the Light of Light Himself (Matt. 17:1–9). Jesus’ glory as God shines with brilliant splendor in and through His human nature. By this epiphany, our Lord confirmed the prophetic word (2 Pet. 1:16–21), revealing that He is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. He manifested His majesty as the eternal Son of the Father, and He wonderfully fore showed our adoption as sons (Collect). We who have been baptized into Christ’s body are given a glimpse of the glory that we will share with Him in the resurrection on the Last Day.

Sunday Resources:

Bulletin for The Transfiguration of Our Lord ~ February 9, 2025

News & Notes for 2/9/2025

Congregation at Prayer for Transfiguration ~ 2/9/25

Boletín para la Misa en Español

Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday

Sunday Readings:

Old Testament:            Exodus 34:29-35

Epistle:                        2 Peter 1:16-21                                   

Gospel:                        Matthew 17:1-9          

Sunday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Ruth

Wednesday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Matthew

Week of Transfiguration (February 9 through February 15, 2025):


  • 8:30 a.m.    Choir practice in Fellowship Hall
  • 9:00 a.m.    Divine Service
  • 10:30 a.m   Bible Study
  • 12:45 p.m.  Spanish Meal – Mexicana
  • 1:30 p.m.   Misa en Español

Monday ~ Commemoration of Silas, Fellow Worker of St. Peter & St. Paul

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 7:00 p.m.   Council Meeting


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:30 a.m.    Bible Study
  • 11:00 a.m.  Divine Service
  • 5:15 p.m.   Catechesis and meal
  • 7:00 p.m.   Evening Prayer

Thursday ~ Commemoration of Aquila, Priscilla, Apollos

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 4:30 p.m.   Private Confession

Friday ~ Commemoration of Valentine, Martyr

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins

Saturday ~ Commemoration of Philemon and Onesimus


  • OMT Theological Reading Group

      Tuesday, February 18 (Trinity)

      8:30 am     Matins

      9:15 am     Reading Discussion

      11:15 am   Prayer

      11:30 am   Lunch

Reading Assignment: Due: Herberger, Valerius.  The Great Works of God – Part Seven:  The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Leviticus.  Fort Wayne, Indiana, Emmanuel Press, 2024.  (196 pages)

  • Catechesis begins with a meal at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. There are classes for all ages. Pastor Filipek is teaching confirmation and adults, Kendall Patterson is teaching elementary age, and Amy Filipek is with preschool and younger children. Everyone is welcome! 
  • Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala Don’t miss our annual Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala on Friday, April 25, 2025. This year we are pleased to host Prof. Louis Markos as our keynote speaker. Tickets available now.


  • Offering Envelopes and Giving Statements  Please pick up your 2025 offering envelopes and/or 2024 giving statements in the narthex on your way out of church.  Thank you!
  • Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
  • A Message from The Kansas District LCMS Office  As many of you know, there is a great need in the eastern regions of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricane.  Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:

LCMS Mid-South District: 

LCMS Southeastern District:  

LCMS Florida-Georgia District:

 Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery.  Let us join in prayer together as we “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  In the service of Christ, Rev. Justin Panzer, Kansas District President

Fairmount Ministries

  • 6:47  Tuesdays @Fairmount! College Age/Young Adult Fellowship/Bible Group

E-mail for more info. Bible Study Topic: Basics of our Faith.

  • It is Bierock time! We are taking orders for our 5th Annual Bierock Fundraiser.  Cost: $35 per dozen (sales tax included)  When: Orders are open now! Bierocks will be made Feb. 13th-19th. Select your date and time for pick-up when you order.  Where: Holy Cross Lutheran 600 N. Greenwich.  Volunteers are needed to make the bierocks and help with “car hop” delivery.  To Order bierocks, sign up to volunteer, or make a donation, go to

Questions or to place a bulk order? E-mail: or call Karen Thurnau at (316) 393-6180.

  • Valentine’s drinks are available now at Fairmount Ministries.  Special flavors include Strawberry Vanilla Matcha, Hazelnut Mocha, and Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha.  Use coupon code LUV25 to get 10% off a Valentine’s drink when you pay.


Issues, Etc.

For the week of February 9

THE PROMISES OF GOD IN SCRIPTURE SERIES… How do you know if a promise in the Bible is for you?  Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on The Promises of God with Pastor Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever.”  You can listen to this series at

As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:

Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year

Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year


Trinity Lutheran Church           

Concordia Academy Wichita              Concordia Academy Wichita – Home

Kansas District LCMS                        LCMS Kansas District | (

The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Eighth Day Books                               Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Institute                           Welcome to Eighth Day Institute

Concordia Publishing House              Home – Concordia Publishing House (

Issues, Etc.                                

Luther Classical College                     Luther Classical College

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Trinity E-News

+ The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord +

February 2, 2025


The children of God by faith are grafted into the flesh and blood of Jesus – the mitigator of fear and the destroyer of death. And so we are mightily fortified with Christ to withstand temptation’s assault, because He is our merciful companion in every respect. Therefore, along with Simeon we revel in knowing, seeing, and believing in the incomparable revelation and glory of Jesus – our salvation in living and dying.

Sunday Resources:

Bulletin for The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord ~ February 2, 2025

News & Notes for 2/2/2025

Congregation at Prayer for Candlemas ~ 2/2/25

Children’s Bulletin for this Sunday

Sunday Readings:

Old Testament:            1 Samuel 1:21-28

Epistle:                        Hebrews 2:14-18                                

Gospel:                        Luke 2:22-40  

Sunday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Ruth

Wednesday Catechesis:

  • The Book of Matthew

Week of Candlemas (February 2 through February 8, 2025):

Sunday ~ Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord

  • 8:30 a.m.    Choir practice in Fellowship Hall
  • 9:00 a.m.    Divine Service
  • 10:30 a.m   Bible Study


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:15 a.m. Pastor at Winkel, Holy Cross, Wichita

Wednesday ~ Commemoration of Jacob (Israel), Patriarch

  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 9:30 a.m.    Bible Study
  • 11:00 a.m.  Divine Service
  • 5:15 p.m.   Catechesis and meal
  • 7:00 p.m.   Evening Prayer


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins
  • 4:30 p.m.   Private Confession
  • 7:00 p.m.   Trustees meeting


  • 8:30 a.m.    Matins


  • OMT Theological Reading Group

      Tuesday, February 18 (Trinity)

      8:30 am     Matins

      9:15 am     Reading Discussion

      11:15 am   Prayer

      11:30 am   Lunch

Reading Assignment: Due: Herberger, Valerius.  The Great Works of God – Part Seven:  The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Leviticus.  Fort Wayne, Indiana, Emmanuel Press, 2024.  (196 pages)

  • Catechesis begins with a meal at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesdays. There are classes for all ages. Pastor Filipek is teaching confirmation and adults, Kendall Patterson is teaching elementary age, and Amy Filipek is with preschool and younger children. Everyone is welcome! 
  • Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala Don’t miss our annual Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala on Friday, April 25, 2025. This year we are pleased to host Prof. Louis Markos as our keynote speaker. Tickets available beginning February 3.


  • Offering Envelopes  Please pick up your 2025 offering envelopes in the narthex on your way out of church.  Thank you!
  • Are You A Dillon’s Shopper? Designate Trinity as your Dillon’s rewards charity online, using the code QG377. You will need to designate Trinity every year for this rewards program.
  • A Message from The Kansas District LCMS Office  As many of you know, there is a great need in the eastern regions of the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Countless people, including LCMS members and congregations, are grieving the loss of their businesses, homes, and even their loved ones. Yet equally swift have been the many congregations, organizations, church members, and volunteers from around the Synod who have contributed their time, resources, finances, and prayers to aid those affected by the hurricane.  Provided below are links for the three districts receiving contributions:

LCMS Mid-South District: 

LCMS Southeastern District:  

LCMS Florida-Georgia District:

 Funds received will be distributed by these districts for survivor support and some volunteer support. This will be a long-term ongoing recovery.  Let us join in prayer together as we “encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  In the service of Christ, Rev. Justin Panzer, Kansas District President

Fairmount Ministries

  • 6:47  Tuesdays @Fairmount! College Age/Young Adult Fellowship/Bible Group

E-mail for more info. Bible Study Topic: Basics of our Faith.

  • It is Bierock time! We are taking orders for our 5th Annual Bierock Fundraiser.  Cost: $35 per dozen (sales tax included)  When: Orders are open now! Bierocks will be made Feb. 13th-19th. Select your date and time for pick-up when you order.  Where: Holy Cross Lutheran 600 N. Greenwich.  Volunteers are needed to make the bierocks and help with “car hop” delivery.  To Order bierocks, sign up to volunteer, or make a donation, go to

Questions or to place a bulk order? E-mail: or call Karen Thurnau at (316) 393-6180.


Issues, Etc.

For the week of February 2

EASTERN ORTHODOXY SERIES… How is Confessional Lutheranism similar and different to Eastern Orthodoxy?  Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on Eastern Orthodoxy with LCMS Pastor Joshua Schooping.  Pastor Schooping is a former Eastern Orthodox priest.  You can listen to this series on-demand at

As a result of Sunday’s Bible class discussion, these are link to Commemorations, Feasts, and Festivals with information about the Saints:

Link to Feasts and Festivals throughout the Church Year

Link to Commemorations throughout the Church Year


Trinity Lutheran Church           

Concordia Academy Wichita              Concordia Academy Wichita – Home

Kansas District LCMS                        LCMS Kansas District | (

The Lutheran Church Missouri – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Eighth Day Books                               Eighth Day Books

Eighth Day Institute                           Welcome to Eighth Day Institute

Concordia Publishing House              Home – Concordia Publishing House (

Issues, Etc.                                

Luther Classical College                     Luther Classical College

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