Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek
Trinity Lutheran Church 611 South Erie Street Wichita, KS 67211-2999 (316) 685-1571
Numbers 6:22–27
Galatians 3:23–29
Luke 2:21
*Jesus Blesses Us with His Name and Saves Us with His Blood*
Our newborn God keeps the Law for us and brings Abraham’s promises to their fulfillment when He is circumcised. It is there that the name above all names is “bestowed on him” (Phil. 2:9), “the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb”: Jesus, which means “the Lord saves” (Luke 2:21). He sheds the first drops of His precious blood in accordance with this name and in anticipation of His cross, “for he will save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). The law’s captivity gives way to the freedom of faith in Christ Jesus, who cuts a new covenant in His blood to be received by faith, whether male or female, Jew or Greek (Gal. 3:23–28). His name is given to us in Holy Baptism, and we are made sons of God and “heirs according to promise,” true offspring of Abraham by faith (Gal. 3:29). Eight days after the celebration of our Lord’s birth, a new “Year of our Lord” is begun in Jesus’ holy name and with His benediction. Jesus is the Lord, and by this name we are blessed (Num. 6:22–27).
*Sunday Resources:*
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>
*Sunday Catechesis:*
+ Topic: The Church
*Wednesday Catechesis:*
+ 2 Peter
*Prayer Requests:*
+ Tori Myers (grand-daughter of Tom Nickel) who has entered the Air Force
+ Mary Zwemke and family as they mourn Roger falling asleep in the Lord
*Sunday Highlights:*
*Counters: David Ketterman*
*Greeters: The Lewallens *
*Ushers: Sheryl Anderson and Keith Burr *
*Altar Guild: The Lessmans *
*Elder: *
*Sunday Notes:*
+ *New Sunday Schedule Starting January 1, 2023*
· *9:00 am Divine Service*
· *10:30 am Catechesis*
+ *Boyle Family Visit*
The Boyle Family will be visiting Trinity this Sunday. They have invited the saints of Trinity to stay after catechesis and visit with them. They are supplying a light luncheon.
*Weekly Schedule (January 1-7, 2023):*
*Saturday (December 31)*
+ 5:30 pm Divine Service *(New Year’s Eve)*
*Sunday *
+ 9:00 am Divine Service *[F] The Circumcision and Name of Jesus*
+ 10:30 am Catechesis
+ 3:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish)
*Monday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ (4-7 pm) Roger Zwemke Public Viewing (Lakeview Funeral Home <> )
+ 4:30 pm Private Confession
*Tuesday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ 9:00 am Roger Zwemke Viewing (Trinity)
+ 10:00 am Roger Zwemke Funeral (Trinity)
+ 11:00 am Roger Zwemke Funeral Luncheon (Trinity)
+ 2:00 pm Roger Zemke Committal (Lakeview Funeral Home <> )
*Wednesday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ 9:30 am Catechesis
+ 11:00 am Divine Service
+ 5:15 pm Catechesis
+ 7:00 pm Evening Prayer
*Thursday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
*Friday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ 7:00 pm Divine Service *[F] Epiphany*
+ 9:00 am *Take Down Christmas Decorations*
*Feasts, Festivals, and Commemorations (January 2023)*
Lectionary Summaries – Feasts and Festivals <>
Commemoration Biographies <>
+ 1 [F] Circumcision and Name of Jesus
+ 2 [C] J. K. Wilhelm Loehe, *Pastor*
+ 10 [C] Basil the Great of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, and Gregory of Nyssa,
*Pastors and Confessors*
+ 18 [F] The Confession of St. Peter
+ 20 [C] Sarah
+ 24 [F] St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor
+ 25 [F] The Conversion of St. Paul
+ 26 [F] St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor
+ 27 [C] John Chrysostom, *Preacher*
*Upcoming Events:*
+ *Concordia Theological Seminary Ft. Wayne 2023 Symposia*
January 17-20 Pastor Filipek will be attending and will be away from Trinity from the 16th -21st
Symposia Link <>
+ *Kansas District Life Conference **(January 23-24)*
Please register for the event at this link by *January 18, 2023* –
When registering, please pay for the lunch. Scroll to the bottom of the website page and click on the red “Lunch Payment” button.
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
*Tuesday, December 31* (Trinity)
8:30 am Matins
9:15 am Reading Discussion
11:15 am Prayer
11:30 am Lunch
*January’s Book and Reading Assignment*
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. *The Cost of Discipleship*. New York, New York, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster Inc. 1959. (320 pages)
Merry Christmas! The Filipek family thanks you for your generosity and love this festival of Christmas. We appreciate all the cards, gifts, and treats. Pastor Filipek especially thanks the saints of Trinity for the staff gift. We are glad to serve you and be with you all.
+ *Trinity Office Hours **(New Office Hours)*
The secretary will now be in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (Thursday, if needed) from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Phone messages will be checked daily 316-685-1571.
+ *Would You Serve? *Please contact Curt Engelbrecht
· *Trinity Board of Trustees*
From our bylaws: Board of Trustees:
Administer and supervise maintenance of all property belonging to the congregation; to make contracts; accept and receive grants and bequests; appear in court; in short, to transact all the business of the congregation assigned to them by the Voters Assembly. This does not include signing legal documents for the congregation.
· *Trinity Board of Evangelism *
From our bylaws: Board of Evangelism:
Greeting visitors at worship services; Accomplish canvasses as needed; Call on visitors who attend church and on new people in town; Assist in maintaining an active prospect file; Be active in responding to the emergency needs of those in the church
community; Study the best Evangelism literature available and use every means to promote a strong evangelism program consciousness in the congregation; Inform the congregation of the evangelism program of the Synod.
· *Hospitality Committee*
We are looking for people to join the hospitality committee. One of the focuses of the hospitality committee is coordinating meals throughout the year. An example is helping with the meal for Voter’s Meeting in a couple of weeks.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of January 1*
STUDY GOD’S WORD IN 2023… The *Word of the Lord Endures Forever* is a daily, 15-minute, verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon is currently leading a study on the Book of Luke. You can listen at <…> or your favorite podcast provider. Listen Here <>
+ *Greece & The Greek Isles*
11 Days: October 17–27, 2023
Hosted by Rev. Cliff and Lois Winter
Space is limited!
For more information, see the attached flyer or contact them at (316) 461-2593 or
+ *Attention Youth!*
Higher Things has two summer conferences for 2023. The conference theme is *Beyond Reasonable Doubt*. Registration is now open. Please let Pastor Filipek know if you would be interested in attending. Here is a link for further information. Beyond Reasonable Doubt 2023 – Higher Things <>
+ *Dillons Community Rewards and Amazon Smile*
Please consider donating your Dillons and/or Amazon Smile Rewards to Trinity Lutheran Church. Every donation is a help and appreciated.
+ *2023 Kansas District Life Conference & March for Life*
Here is an email from District President Panzer:
Dear Friends,
Rejoice! Your King comes to you!
In light of the 2023 Kansas District Life Conference and March for Life, I want to draw your attention to three things:
1. Please register for the event at this link by *January 18, 2023* –
2. When registering, please pay for the lunch. Scroll to the bottom of the website page and click on the red “Lunch Payment” button.
3. Please also register for the “March for Life” with this link by *December 31, 2022* – This will ensure that you receive a stocking hat and hymn sing sign.
Thank you! We look forward to your participation, and we will continue to pray for the mighty of the Holy Spirit in the State of Kansas for the respect of life from womb to the tomb.
In the service of Christ,
Rev. Justin Panzer
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek
Trinity Lutheran Church 611 South Erie Street Wichita, KS 67211-2999 (316) 685-1571
*Sunday Catechesis:** (No Bible Class on Sunday, December 25)*
+ Topic: The Church
*Wednesday Catechesis:** (No Bible Class on Wednesday, December 28)*
+ 2 Peter
*Prayer Requests:*
+ Tori Myers (grand-daughter of Tom Nickel) who has entered the Air Force
*Sunday Highlights:*
*Counters: The Schneiders*
*Greeters: The Smiths *
*Ushers: Derrel Pressnell *
*Altar Guild: Sheryl Anderson *
*Elder: Kendall Patterson*
*Sunday Notes:*
+ There will be one service on Christmas Day at *10:00 am*
+ Pastor Filipek will be taking personal time off the week after Christmas Day. However, he will still pray Matins at Trinity. However, if you would like to celebrate the Feasts, please attend with our brothers and sisters at Immanuel Lutheran Church.
+ *New Sunday Schedule Starting January 1, 2023*
· *9:00 am Divine Service*
· *10:30 am Bible Study*
*Weekly Schedule (December 25-31, 2022):*
**** Denotes a service at Immanuel Lutheran*
*Saturday (December 24)*
+ 7:00 pm Christmas Eve: Lessons and Carols
+ 11:00 pm Christmas Eve: Midnight Mass
*Sunday *
+ 10:00 am Divine Service
+ 1:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish)
*Monday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
**** 11:00 am Divine Service **[St. Stephen, Martyr] **Immanuel *
+ No Private Confession this week
*Tuesday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ **** 11:00 am Divine Service **[St. John, Apostle and Evangelist] **Immanuel *
*Wednesday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ No Bible Study this week
+ No Divine Service at Trinity this week
**** 11:00 am Divine Service **[The Holy Innocents, Martyrs] **Immanuel *
+ No Catechesis this week
+ No Evening Prayer this week
*Thursday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
*Friday *
+ 8:30 am Matins
+ 5:30 pm Divine Service *(New Year’s Eve)*
*Sunday (**January 1**)*
+ 9:00 am Divine Service
+ 10:30 am Bible Study
+ 3:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish)
*Feasts, Festivals, and Commemorations (December 2022)*
Lectionary Summaries – Feasts and Festivals <>
Commemoration Biographies <>
+ 26 – [F] St. Stephen, Martyr
+ 27 – [F] St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
+ 28 – [F] The Holy Innocents, Martyrs
+ 29 – [C] David
+ 31 – [F] Eve of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus
*Upcoming Events:*
+ *Private Confession and Absolution*
+ *New Sunday Schedule Starting January 1, 2023*
· *9:00 am Divine Service*
· *10:30 am Bible Study*
+ *Trinity Office Hours (New Office Hours)*
The secretary will now be in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (Thursday, if needed) from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Phone messages will be checked daily 316-685-1571.
+ *Would You Serve? *Please contact Curt Engelbrecht
· *Trinity Board of Trustees*
From our bylaws: Board of Trustees:
Administer and supervise maintenance of all property belonging to the congregation; to make contracts; accept and receive grants and bequests; appear in court; in short, to transact all the business of the congregation assigned to them by the Voters Assembly. This does not include signing legal documents for the congregation.
· *Trinity Board of Evangelism *
From our bylaws: Board of Evangelism:
Greeting visitors at worship services; Accomplish canvasses as needed; Call on visitors who attend church and on new people in town; Assist in maintaining an active prospect file; Be active in responding to the emergency needs of those in the church
community; Study the best Evangelism literature available and use every means to promote a strong evangelism program consciousness in the congregation; Inform the congregation of the evangelism program of the Synod.
· *Hospitality Committee*
We are looking for people to join the hospitality committee. One of the focuses of the hospitality committee is coordinating meals throughout the year. An example is helping with the meal for Voter’s Meeting in a couple of weeks.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of December 25*
SACRED MUSIC & TALK FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON… You can listen 24/7 to sacred talk and music for the 12 days of Christmas at <…> , <…>, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, TuneIn, Apple HomePod and the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app. Listen Here <>
+ *Higher Things Reflection Booklet *
Advent – Christmas
November 27, 2022 – January 5, 2023
Download a free copy of HT Reflections devotional booklet
Reflections-Advent-Christmas-2023-Scrolling.pdf ( <>
+ *Greece & The Greek Isles*
11 Days: October 17–27, 2023
Hosted by Rev. Cliff and Lois Winter
Space is limited!
For more information, see the attached flyer or contact them at (316) 461-2593 or
+ *Attention Youth!*
Higher Things has two summer conferences for 2023. The conference theme is *Beyond Reasonable Doubt*. Registration is now open. Please let Pastor Filipek know if you would be interested in attending. Here is a link for further information. Beyond Reasonable Doubt 2023 – Higher Things <>
+ *Dillons Community Rewards and Amazon Smile*
Please consider donating your Dillons and/or Amazon Smile Rewards to Trinity Lutheran Church. Every donation is a help and appreciated.
+ *2023 Kansas District Life Conference & March for Life*
Here is an email from District President Panzer:
Dear Friends,
Rejoice! Your King comes to you!
In light of the 2023 Kansas District Life Conference and March for Life, I want to draw your attention to three things:
1. Please register for the event at this link by *January 18, 2023* –
2. When registering, please pay for the lunch. Scroll to the bottom of the website page and click on the red “Lunch Payment” button.
3. Please also register for the “March for Life” with this link by *December 31, 2022* – This will ensure that you receive a stocking hat and hymn sing sign.
Thank you! We look forward to your participation, and we will continue to pray for the mighty of the Holy Spirit in the State of Kansas for the respect of life from womb to the tomb.
In the service of Christ,
Rev. Justin Panzer
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek
Trinity Lutheran Church 611 South Erie Street Wichita, KS 67211-2999 (316) 685-1571