Grace & Trinity Weekly Update Oct. 9-15

*+ TRINITY 17 +*
*October 9, 2022*
Proverbs 25:6–14 <>
Ephesians 4:1–6 <>
Luke 14:1–11 <>

*Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted*

“Do not put yourself forward in the king’s presence” (Prov. 25:6–14). Rather, take the lowest position at the table. Humble yourself before Him. For your place is not for you to take but for Him to give. Conduct yourself with all lowliness and gentleness, bearing with one another in love (Eph. 4:1–6), that the King may give you glory in the presence of those at the table with you. “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:1–11). Is this not the way of Christ? He is the one who took the lowest place, who humbled Himself even to the point of death for us. He is now exalted to the highest place at the right hand of the Father that penitent believers may be exalted together with Him in the resurrection. To the humble at His Supper He says, “Friend, move up higher,” giving you His very body and blood for your forgiveness that you may ascend to take part in the great wedding feast which has no end.

*Sunday Resources:*
Grace Bulletin <>
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>

*Sunday Catechesis:*
Pericope & Propers Study (Grace)

*Prayer Requests:*
+ *For all affected by hurricane Ian*

*Sunday Highlights:*

*Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…*

*Trinity** Grace *
*Counters: The Lewallens Counters: Tom & Sandy*
*Greeters: The Pattersons Greeters: The Howards*
*Ushers: Ron Rooker Ushers: Terry & Ted*
* Dave Norris Altar Guild: *
*Altar Guild: The Pattersons *
*Elder: Scott Smith*

*Weekly Schedule (October 9 – 15, 2022):*
*Sunday **[C] Abraham* <>
+ 8:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 9:30 am Catechesis (Grace)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Trinity)
+ 2:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish), (Grace)
*Monday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 4:30 pm Private Confession (Grace)
+ 5:30 pm Elder’s Meeting (Grace)
*Tuesday **[C] Philip the Deacon* <>
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 9:00 am Food Bank (Grace)
+ 7:00 pm Council Meeting (Trinity)
*Wednesday *
+ 9:00 am Matins (Grace)
+ 9:45 am Catechesis (Grace)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 5:15 pm Catechesis (Trinity)
+ 7:00 pm Evening Prayer (Trinity)
*Thursday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 7:30 pm Hall of Men (Scott Schneider Presenting)
*Friday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)

*Upcoming Events:*
+ *TOMORROW *FALL CLEAN UP (Trinity) *SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8* (9:00 am – Noon)
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
· Tuesday, October 18 This month we are reading Luther’s Work’s volume 42. We will meet in Herrington at the Kansas District Retreat Center. The Topeka reading group will be joining us. Start time will be 10:00 am.
+ *The Reformation Festival *
· Sunday, October 30th, at Immanuel. The Divine Service is at 4pm, followed by the banquet at 5:30pm (tickets $15, 10 and under eat free), and then a talk on the reformation by the Rev. Dr. Cameron MacKenzie of Concordia Theological Seminary (also the preacher for the DS). Please email Immanuel’s secretary <> to RSVP for the banquet. Information on Reformation Choir and accompanists will be coming out in October.

+ *Private Confession and Absolution*
· Mondays at 4:30 pm. Private confession and absolution will be at the church where Sunday morning catechesis is held. Therefore, during the month of October, private confession and absolution will be at Grace.

+ *Grace Lutheran Church Food Pantry*
September, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
For close to forty years, the Food Pantry has been in operation at Grace Lutheran Church, Wichita. The successful operation transpired because of God and the many dedicated volunteers that have served on a weekly basis throughout the decades, generous donations of food and monetary gifts from our church, individuals, sister churches, and because of the needs of our neighbors in the Planeview and surrounding areas who utilize this lifeline.
The Food Pantry has served an average of 300-400 families each year. The families who needed this assistance benefited from the many sacks of groceries (valued at about $60-$75) miscellaneous items, and often times extra because of overflowing donations.
Lamentably, with the dissolution of Grace Lutheran Church in the near future, we have decided to close the Pantry. It is planned the Pantry will serve the final families on Tuesday, October 25th, and officially close on October 31st, 2022.
With this in mind, we express our heartfelt gratitude to you who have donated to the pantry so generously for so long. It has always seemed that when our supplies would begin to dwindle, God would send angels like you with donations that would overwhelm our hearts and minds! The Lord has been ever present throughout the years in the pantry and at Grace, and we are so very thankful and blessed to have served Him through this service to our neighbor.
Thankfully yours,
The Volunteers of Grace Food Pantry
+ *LWML Wichita Zone Fall Event*
· Saturday, October 22, at St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Cost is $10 at registration. Please RSVP to Enid Albrecht at by October 14. I have attached the flyer for more details. See attachment.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of October 9*
TALK RADIO & PODCASTS FOR THE THINKING CHRISTIAN… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s topics include: Identity Politics, The Unpopular Sayings of Jesus, The Historical Reliability of the Bible, The Catalog of Testimonies in the Lutheran Confessions and more. You can listen on-demand at <…>, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.
· Listen Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Journal*
– Download Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Exodus Series*
The Book of Exodus has been called the Gospel of the Old Testament. How is the account of God’s deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt the key to understanding the Old Testament? How is Christ present in the Book of Exodus?

We’ve completed a six-part series of interviews on the Book of Exodus with Dr. Reed Lessing, author of the new book* Deliver Us: God’s Rescue Story in Exodus. *In this series, you will discover deep Biblical insights that will renew your understanding of the entire Old Testament.

*CLICK HERE* <–nEsqERpH07gFIKZuWFtimozuf6I8f8pd8gavUbMAFiO-cYPQ9BttZoiG1muqf5DJHn8=&…> to listen to the entire series.
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek (316) 391-9562

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Grace & Trinity Weekly Update Sept. 30

*+ TRINITY 16 +*
*October 2, 2022*
1 Kings 17:17-24 <>
Ephesians 3:13-21 <>
Luke 7:11-17 <>

*Jesus Calls forth Life from Death*

A large funeral procession carrying the only son of a widow is confronted by another large procession, Jesus and His followers. Death and Life meet face to face at the gate of the city (Luke 7:11–17). Filled with compassion, Jesus comes into direct contact with our mortality in order to overcome it. He touches the coffin and speaks His creative words of life, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” Jesus does what is neither expected nor requested. For through Christ, God the Father “is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think” (Eph. 3:14–21). Jesus bore our death in His body that we may share in His resurrection. Even as Elijah stretched himself out three times over the Zarephath woman’s son (2 Kings 17:17–24), God stretched Himself out over us in the threefold application of His name in the baptismal water, breathing new and everlasting life into us. “To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

*Sunday Resources:*
Grace Bulletin <>
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>

*Sunday Catechesis:*
Pericope & Propers Study (Grace)

*Prayer Requests:*
+ *For all affected by hurricane Ian*

*Sunday Highlights:*

*Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…*

*Trinity** Grace *
*Counters: The Lewallens Counters: Tom & Sandy*
*Greeters: The Pattersons Greeters: The Kennys*
*Ushers: Ron Rooker Ushers: Jim & Sandy*
* Dave Norris Altar Guild: *
*Altar Guild: The Pattersons *
*Elder: Scott Smith*
*Weekly Schedule (October 2 – , 2022):*
+ 8:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 9:30 am Catechesis (Grace)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Trinity)
+ 2:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish), (Grace)
+ Afternoon Pastor Filipek Gone at KS Pastor’s Conference (Manhattan, KS)
*Monday *
+ Pastor Filipek Gone at KS Pastor’s Conference (Manhattan, KS)
+ 8:30 am NO Matins (Trinity)
+ 4:30 pm NO Private Confession (Grace)
*Tuesday *
+ Pastor Filipek Gone at KS Pastor’s Conference (Manhattan, KS)
+ 8:30 am NO Matins (Trinity)
+ 9:00 am Food Bank (Grace)
+ 5:15 pm The Lord’s Diner
*Wednesday *
+ 9:00 am Matins (Grace)
+ 9:45 am Catechesis (Grace)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 5:15 pm Catechesis (Trinity)
+ 7:00 pm Evening Prayer (Trinity)
*Thursday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 7:00 pm Divine Service (Trinity)
*Friday *[C] Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Pastor <>
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 9:00 am Fall Clean Up (Trinity)

*Upcoming Events:*
+ *Life Chain Event*
· Sunday, October 2 from 2:00-3:30 pm at Greenwich and Central. Everyone is welcome and some extra signs are available. For those new to Life Chain Events, here is additional information: National Life Chain <>
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
· Tuesday, October 18 This month we are reading Luther’s Work’s volume 42. We will meet in Herrington at the Kansas District Retreat Center. The Topeka reading group will be joining us. Start time will be 10:00 am.
+ *The Reformation Festival *
· Sunday, October 30th, at Immanuel. The Divine Service is at 4pm, followed by the banquet at 5:30pm (tickets $15, 10 and under eat free), and then a talk on the reformation by the Rev. Dr. Cameron MacKenzie of Concordia Theological Seminary (also the preacher for the DS). Please email Immanuel’s secretary <> to RSVP for the banquet. Information on Reformation Choir and accompanists will be coming out in October.

+ Pastor Filipek Gone at KS Pastor’s Conference (October 3-4, Manhattan, KS)
· *NO Matins (Trinity)* Monday (3rd) and Tuesday (4th)
· *NO Private Confession and Absolution (Grace)* Monday (3rd)
+ *Private Confession and Absolution*
· Mondays at 4:30 pm. Private confession and absolution will be at the church where Sunday morning catechesis is held. Therefore, during the month of October, private confession and absolution will be at Grace.
+ *Grace Lutheran Church Food Pantry*
September, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
For close to forty years, the Food Pantry has been in operation at Grace Lutheran Church, Wichita. The successful operation transpired because of God and the many dedicated volunteers that have served on a weekly basis throughout the decades, generous donations of food and monetary gifts from our church, individuals, sister churches, and because of the needs of our neighbors in the Planeview and surrounding areas who utilize this lifeline.
The Food Pantry has served an average of 300-400 families each year. The families who needed this assistance benefited from the many sacks of groceries (valued at about $60-$75) miscellaneous items, and often times extra because of overflowing donations.
Lamentably, with the dissolution of Grace Lutheran Church in the near future, we have decided to close the Pantry. It is planned the Pantry will serve the final families on Tuesday, October 25th, and officially close on October 31st, 2022.
With this in mind, we express our heartfelt gratitude to you who have donated to the pantry so generously for so long. It has always seemed that when our supplies would begin to dwindle, God would send angels like you with donations that would overwhelm our hearts and minds! The Lord has been ever present throughout the years in the pantry and at Grace, and we are so very thankful and blessed to have served Him through this service to our neighbor.
Thankfully yours,
The Volunteers of Grace Food Pantry
+ *LWML Wichita Zone Fall Event*
· Saturday, October 22, at St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Cost is $10 at registration. Please RSVP to Enid Albrecht at by October 14. I have attached the flyer for more details. See attachment.
+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of October 2*
1 THESSALONIANS BIBLE STUDY… The Word of the Lord Endures Forever is a daily 15-minute verse-by-verse Bible study produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon. Pastor Weedon recently started a study on The Book of 1 Thessalonians. You can listen on-demand at <…>, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.
· Listen Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Journal*
Download Here <>
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek (316) 391-9562

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Grace & Trinity Weekly Update Sept 25, 2022

*+ TRINITY 15 +*
*September 25, 2022*
1 Kings 17:8–16 <>
Galatians 5:25—6:10 <>
Matthew 6:24–34 <>

*Anxious Bondage vs. Confident Trust*

“You cannot serve God and money” (Matt. 6:24–34), for they require two contrary forms of service. Worry is the worship given to the false god of mammon, an unbelieving anxiousness and focus on the things of this world. Faith is the worship of the true God, a confident trust that He is a loving Father who will care for all of our needs in both body and soul. The widow of Zarephath served God— that is, she believed the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah that the bin of flour would not be used up nor would the jar of oil run dry (1 Kings 17:8–16). He who feeds the birds and clothes the flowers will certainly provide for our daily needs. For He has already provided for our eternal needs, clothing us with Christ’s righteousness in Baptism and feeding us His body and blood for our forgiveness. With such confidence we are liberated from worry and freed to do good with our material resources, especially to those who are of the household of faith (Gal. 5:25–6:10).

*Sunday Resources:*
Grace Bulletin <>
Trinity Bulletin <>
Congregation At Prayer <>
News & Notes <>

*Sunday Catechesis:*
Pericope & Propers Study (Trinity)

*Sunday Highlights:*

*Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…*

*Trinity** Grace *
*Counters: The Lewallens Counters: Jennifer*
*Greeters: The Lewallens Greeters: The Unruhs*
*Ushers: Sheryl Anderson Ushers: Jim & Sandy*
* Keith Buhr Altar Guild: The Kennys*
*Altar Guild: The Lessmans *
*Elder: Scott Irwin*

*Weekly Schedule (Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2022):*
+ 8:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 9:30 am Catechesis (Trinity)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Trinity)
+ 2:00 pm Divine Service (Spanish), (Grace)
*Monday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 4:30 pm Private Confession (Trinity)
*Tuesday *
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 9:00 am Food Bank (Grace)
*Wednesday *
+ 9:00 am Matins (Grace)
+ 9:45 am Catechesis (Grace)
+ 11:00 am Divine Service (Grace)
+ 5:15 pm Catechesis (Trinity)
+ 7:00 pm Evening Prayer (Trinity)
*Thursday **[F] St. Michael and All Angels (W)* <>
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)
+ 7:00 pm Divine Service (Trinity) *[F] St. Michael and All Angels (W)*
*Friday **[C] Jerome, Translator of Holy Scripture* <>
+ 8:30 am Matins (Trinity)

*Upcoming Events:*
+ *OMT Theological Reading Group*
· October 18 This month we are reading Luther’s Work’s volume 42. We will meet in Herrington and join the Topeka reading group. Start time will be 10:00 am.
+ *The Reformation Festival *
· Sunday, October 30th, at Immanuel. The Divine Service is at 4pm, followed by the banquet at 5:30pm (tickets $15, 10 and under eat free), and then a talk on the reformation by the Rev. Dr. Cameron MacKenzie of Concordia Theological Seminary (also the preacher for the DS). Please email Immanuel’s secretary <> to RSVP for the banquet. Information on Reformation Choir and accompanists will be coming out in October.

+ *Private Confession and Absolution*
· Monday’s at 4:30 pm I have made the decision to offer private confession and absolution at the church where Sunday morning catechesis takes place. Therefore, during the month of September, private confession and absolution will be at Trinity.
+ *Grace Lutheran Church Food Pantry*
September, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

For close to forty years, the Food Pantry has been in operation at Grace Lutheran Church, Wichita. The successful operation transpired because of God and the many dedicated volunteers that have served on a weekly basis throughout the decades, generous donations of food and monetary gifts from our church, individuals, sister churches, and because of the needs of our neighbors in the Planeview and surrounding areas who utilize this lifeline.

The Food Pantry has served an average of 300-400 families each year. The families who needed this assistance benefited from the many sacks of groceries (valued at about $60-$75) miscellaneous items, and often times extra because of overflowing donations.

Lamentably, with the dissolution of Grace Lutheran Church in the near future, we have decided to close the Pantry. It is planned the Pantry will serve the final families on Tuesday, October 25th, and officially close on October 31st, 2022.

With this in mind, we express our heartfelt gratitude to you who have donated to the pantry so generously for so long. It has always seemed that when our supplies would begin to dwindle, God would send angels like you with donations that would overwhelm our hearts and minds! The Lord has been ever present throughout the years in the pantry and at Grace, and we are so very thankful and blessed to have served Him through this service to our neighbor.

Thankfully yours,

The Volunteers of Grace Food Pantry

+ *Issues, Etc.*
*For the week of Sept. 25*
WHAT I WISH MY NON-LUTHERAN FAMILY KNEW ABOUT… Are you looking for a way to explain Biblical Lutheran teachings like Baptism, Closed Communion, The Lord’s Supper, The End Times, Funerals and Worship to non-Lutherans? Issues, Etc., a radio-talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, interviewed Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller about these topics and more. You can listen to the entire series at your convenience at <…> .
· Listen Here <>
+ *Issues, Etc. Journal*
· Download Here <>

*Thank You!!*
Blessed Saints of Grace and Trinity,
Thank you for your generosity. We appreciate you welcoming us and caring for us. You have showered us with gifts of love and we truly appreciate it. Thank you for the cards, the work on the parsonage, the gifts, installation service, reception, but most of all your prayers and encouragement. We are truly blessed to be here among you.
Pastor Aaron, Amy, Ella, Caleb, and Andrew
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Aaron M. Filipek (316) 391-9562

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