Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

16 July 2021
*Commemoration of Ruth*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

*Today* the Church celebrates Ruth, the Matriarch of King David’s lineage, and thus also of our Lord Jesus. A fitting way to commemorate the day is to take about half an hour and read the four short chapters of the Book of Ruth and reflect on the faithfulness of this gentile woman brought into Israel, as well as the redemption she finds in Boaz, David’s grandfather.

This Sunday is
*the 7th Sunday after Trinity*
T the Sunday of the Feeding of the Four Thousand T
Genesis 2:7–17; Romans 6:19–23; Mark 8:1-9 <www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2%3A7%E2%80%9317%3B+Romans+6%3A19%E2%80%9323%3B+Mark+8%3A1-9&version=ESV>

*Food is a big deal in Scripture.* It’s by food that man fell into sin and by food that man is redeemed from sin. Too much food has a way of numbing the senses and filling the belly so full that the soul becomes drowsy and incapable of fighting against the temptations of the flesh. Fasting from food has a way of teaching us that man does not live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God. Food comes from the earth, to be sure. It also comes from heaven (Manna, Jesus). Food normally runs out and is limited (famine). Sometimes, though, food multiplies beyond itself (feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000). This week we’ll see how our Lord uses food to apply the medicine of immortality to us even today.

Join us for the *Divine Service* at *Grace* at *8am* or *Trinity *at *11am* and for *Bible study* at *9:30am* *at Trinity. *For Bible Study, we’re in Revelation 21.

*Those Serving* *at Grace & Trinity today…*
*Trinity** Grace*
*Counter: the Kettemans Counters: Jeanette*
*Greeters: Minda Schultz Greeters: the Brunners*
*Ushers: David Ketteman & Ushers: Cory & Terry*
* Dave Lemcke Altar Guild: the Unruhs*
*Altar Guild: the Wortzes*
*Elder: **Scott Smith*

*To prepare* your hearts and minds for the Sunday gathering of the faithful, here is the bulletin for Sunday <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/6a01913f-8629-ef9b-0aec-8444a8746660/2021_07_18_Trinity_7.pdf>. Meditate on the readings, pray the prayers, and consider what gifts our Lord has for us this week. Also, here are the news/notes <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/2ac36d1b-d872-0064-7c5c-ced3cfd84934/7_18_21_News_Notes.pdf> and the congregation at prayer <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/eda2e0eb-02c3-cb20-11ef-ba03605eeb34/2021_7_18_The_Seventh_Sunday_after_Trinity.pdf> .

*Coming up this week…*
· *Sunday (7/18): **7th Sunday after Trinity*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *12:30pm *Meal & Catechesis *en Español, *Grace
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
o *3:30pm *Elders’ Book Study, Grace
· *Monday*:
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *3:30pm *Grace Elders’ Mtg., Grace
o *6pm *New Member Catechesis, Trinity
· *Tuesday: **Commemoration of Elijah*
o *9am *Matins & OMT, Grace (we’re discussing the *Philokalia, *vol. 1)
o *6:30pm *Council Mtg., Grace
· *Wednesday: **Commemoration of Ezekiel*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: **Festival of St. Mary Magdalene*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *6pm *Trinity Elders Mtg., Trinity
o *7:30pm *Hall of Men, the Ladder
· *Friday: *
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Sunday (7/25): **Feast of St. James the Elder*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace

*Looking Ahead…*
· I’ll go back to MI to pick up the family 7/25-8/1. For any pastoral care needs, please contact Pr. Metzger.
· *July 20 *OMT will meet at Grace to discuss the *Philokalia, Volume 1* <www.eighthdaybooks.com/product/110191/The-Philokalia-Volume-1-The-Complete-Text-Compiled-by-St-Nikodimos-of-the-Holy-Mountain-St-Markarios-of-Corinth-Philokalia-Vol-I>, a rich spirituality. Get your copy at Eighth Day Books!
· *August 4th *restarts our Wednesday Morning Bible Study at Grace at 9:30am. We’ll pick up in 2 Timothy. Join us!
· *August 21 *is the Annual St. John Lutheran Worship Conference in Topeka. This is always a great conference. It’s relatively close, inexpensive, and will certainly strengthen your faith and knowledge of how our Lord works in the liturgical life of the Church. For more, see here <stjohnlcmstopeka.org/learning/worshipconf/>.
· *September 11* – *CLOTHING GIVEAWAY*! On Saturday, from 9a-12p, Grace’s Board of Social Ministry will hold a clothing giveaway. Donations will be accepted and appreciated until the first of September. Please drop off donations at Grace on Sunday mornings, Tuesdays from 9-11a, or you can contact Jennifer Reyes at 316-300-0500 for other arrangements. Volunteers for sorting the week prior are always needed, as is help the day of the event. Please mark your calendars and contact Jennifer with any questions and let her know if you are able to help. Thanks!
· *September 24-25 *is the Annual Men’s Retreat in Herington. This year we’re thrilled to have Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller joining us to talk about martyrdom. Registration is $35, each teenage son you bring is $15. Everyone will get a copy of the book *A Martyr’s Faith in a Faithless World <https://www.amazon.com/Martyrs-Faith-Faithless-World/dp/0758662491>*. If you’re planning to come, let me know and give me your cash or check (made out to Trinity Lutheran Church, with “Men’s Retreat” in the memo). Space is limited to 30, so register now! More info coming soon.
· *September 30-October 1 *is Lutheranism and the Classics, a conference on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne at which I’ll be offering a paper. You can see more about this excellent gathering here: www.ctsfw.edu/ctsfw-events/lutheranism-the-classics/

*Other Things…*
· At the CCLE conference in Houston last week I heard a tremendous presentation by Dr. Adam Koontz, a professor at Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne. You can watch it here on YouTube <https://youtu.be/4c1A4C5glHY>. It’s 50 minutes of pure gold. And if you like that, you’ll want to subscribe to his podcast <wordfitlyspoken.org/podcast/>. Enjoy!
· Also at the conference we heard a whole lot about the brand new Lutheran college that is set to open in the fall of 2025: Luther Classical College <www.lutherclassical.org/>. I highly recommend that you sign up for their quarterly journal <www.cc.lutherclassical.org/>, which is free.
· Senior Moments is a quarterly Newsletter put out by the KS District with an eye towards older-adult ministry. You can read the latest here <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/d5a1f00e-d07c-5759-cd3d-80fb8182b765/Senior_Moments_District_Newsletter_Summer_2021.pdf> .
· Classical School of Wichita is currently seeking a full-time janitor/maintenance staff member to perform general cleaning duties of facilities and assist with maintenance projects. The hours for this position during the academic year will be 7:15 am to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Starting pay is $12/hour. To apply, please fill out the application located here: cswichita.com/employment/ and send your résumé to Ben Zickafoose, CSW Chief Operating Officer, at bzickafoose@cswsaints.com.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.

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Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

9 July 2021
Friday of Trinity 5

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

This Sunday is
the 6th Sunday after Trinity
✞ The Sunday of the Sermon on the Mount ✞
<www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20%3A7-17%3B+Romans+6%3A1-11%3B+Matthew+5%3A17-26&version=ESV> Exodus 20:7-17; Romans 6:1-11; Matthew 5:17-26

What do we do with the Law of God? Our Lord has 10 commandments. These show us our sin and our need for a Savior and how we should live before God and our neighbor. Of course, that’s not how we live, at least, not most of the time. We are sinners, this is true. But even while we were sinners Christ died for us! But did He die that we might live in our sin? By no means! Let us fight and strive and cling to Christ, fleeing temptation, running in love toward our neighbor, and holding God above all else. That’s simply what faith does.

Join us for the Divine Service at Grace at 8am or Trinity at 11am and for Bible study at 9:30am at Trinity. For Bible Study, we’re in Revelation 21.

Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…
Trinity Grace
Counter: the Kettemans Counters: Tom & Sandy
Greeters: Minda Schultz Greeters: the Kennys
Ushers: David Ketteman & Ushers: Jim & Sandy
Dave Lemcke Altar Guild: the Unruhs
Altar Guild: the Wortzes
Elder: Scott Smith

To prepare your hearts and minds for the Sunday gathering of the faithful, <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/e41c94d0-cb6c-475c-baf7-f523be3e548a/2021_07_11_Trinity_6.pdf> here is the bulletin for Sunday. Meditate on the readings, pray the prayers, and consider what gifts our Lord has for us this week. Also, here are the <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/72ef5688-33a7-b13e-e5ce-a3c4a6bb784a/2021_07_11_Trinity_6.01.pdf> news/notes and the <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/a59697bf-40a3-ce61-56dc-05a4c66363d2/2021_7_11_The_Sixth_Sunday_after_Trinity.pdf> congregation at prayer.

The Offering is now collected regularly during the Divine Service. Recognizing that there may be some of you who’d still prefer to give your offering upon entering the church, or through on-line giving ( <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=wCot5F31B3BCMGc_rqa9rKq8o4vspj-2tWvShIKflafDuTF3_Gjx2kAzNprB-l0qv9Cl_0&country.x=US&locale.x=US> Grace, <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=-eO1mBefdYdlIer9JaA1yKx2ArXPRES5imEdrbOsmYixnzIYVbQ8trBJ22NR0QldHiAuOG&country.x=US&locale.x=US> Trinity), without handling the offering plates, we will continue to have the offering plate ready at the beginning of the service at the entrance of the Nave.

Coming up this week…
* Sunday (7/11): 6th Sunday after Trinity
o 8am Divine Service, Grace
o 9:30am Bible Study, Trinity
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o 2pm Misa en Español, Grace
* Monday:
o 9am Matins, Grace
o 6pm New Member Catechesis, Trinity
* Tuesday:
o 9am Matins, Grace
o 7pm Council Mtg., Trinity
* Wednesday:
o 9am Matins, Grace
o 7pm Evening Prayer, Trinity
* Thursday:
o 9am Matins, Grace
o 7pm Joint-Parish Council Mtg., Trinity
* Friday: Commemoration of Ruth
o 9am Matins, Grace
o No Private Absolution
* Sunday (7/18): 7th Sunday after Trinity
o 8am Divine Service, Grace
o 9:30am Bible Study, Trinity
o 11am Divine Service, Trinity
o 12:30pm Meal & Catechesis en Español, Grace
o 2pm Misa en Español, Grace
o 3:30pm Elders’ Book Study, Grace

Looking Ahead…
* July 20 OMT will meet at Grace to discuss the <www.eighthdaybooks.com/product/110191/The-Philokalia-Volume-1-The-Complete-Text-Compiled-by-St-Nikodimos-of-the-Holy-Mountain-St-Markarios-of-Corinth-Philokalia-Vol-I> Philokalia, Volume 1, a rich spirituality. Get your copy at Eighth Day Books!
* CLOTHING GIVEAWAY! On Saturday, September 11th from 9a-12p, Grace’s Board of Social Ministry will hold a clothing giveaway. Donations will be accepted and appreciated until the first of September. Please drop off donations at Grace on Sunday mornings, Tuesdays from 9-11a, or you can contact Jennifer Reyes at 316-300-0500 for other arrangements. Volunteers for sorting the week prior are always needed, as is help the day of the event. Please mark your calendars and contact Jennifer with any questions and let her know if you are able to help. Thanks!

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.

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Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

2 July 2021
Feast of the Visitation

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Today is the Feast of the Visitation.
John the Baptizer and Jesus, the two great figures of salvation history, now come together in the visit to Elizabeth by the Virgin Mary (Lk 1:39-45), both of whom conceived their children under miraculous circumstances. Thus John is brought into the presence of Jesus while they are still in their mothers’ wombs. This presence of the Lord causes a response by the child John as he leaps in Elizabeth’s womb. John’s response to the presence of Jesus, the Messiah, foreshadows John’s own role as forerunner. Already now, a new creation is beginning, and a baby still in the womb hails the new creation’s inception. Foreshadowed in John’s leap are all the miracles of Jesus who will cause all creation to leap at His presence. Treasury of Daily Prayer

This Sunday is
the 5th Sunday after Trinity
† The Sunday of the Miraculous Catch of Fish †
1 Kings 19:11-21; 1 Peter 3:8-15; Luke 5:1-11

Fishers of men applies to the Apostles and those who stand in their apostolic office. They preach, teach, and administer the sacraments, calling sinners to repentance and life in the body of the crucified and risen Savior. The Word does the work—for Elijah and all the prophets, as well as the Apostles and your pastors today. Rejoice that you men and women have been caught in the net of the Gospel and pulled up from the sea of chaos and despair through the preaching of this word.

Join us for the Divine Service at Grace at 8am or Trinity at 11am and for Bible study at 9:30am at Trinity. For Bible Study, we’re beginning Revelation 21.

Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…
Trinity Grace
Counter: the Kettemans Counters: Tom & Sandy
Greeters: Minda Schultz Greeters: the Kennys
Ushers: David Ketteman & Ushers: Jim & Sandy
Dave Lemcke Altar Guild: the Unruhs
Altar Guild: the Wortzes
Elder: Scott Smith

To prepare your hearts and minds for the Sunday gathering of the faithful, here is the bulletin for Sunday. Meditate on the readings, pray the prayers, and consider what gifts our Lord has for us this week. Also, here are the news/notes and the congregation at prayer.

The Offering is now collected regularly during the Divine Service. Recognizing that there may be some of you who’d still prefer to give your offering upon entering the church, or through on-line giving (Grace, Trinity), without handling the offering plates, we will continue to have the offering plate ready at the beginning of the service at the entrance of the Nave.

Coming up this week…
* Sunday (7/4): 5th Sunday after Trinity
o 8am Divine Service, Grace
o 9:30am Bible Study, Trinity**
o 11am Divine Service, Trinity
o 2pm Misa en Español, Grace
* Monday:
o 8:30am Matins, Immanuel
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* Tuesday: Commemoration of Isaiah
o 8:30am Matins, Immanuel
* Wednesday:
o 8:30am Matins, Immanuel
o 7pm Evening Prayer, Trinity
* Thursday:
o 8:30am Matins, Immanuel
o 7:30pm Hall of Men, the Ladder
* Friday:
o 8:30am Matins, Immanuel
o 4pm Private Absolution, Trinity
o 7pm Divine Service for the Feast of the Visitation, Immanuel**
* Saturday (7/10)
o 11am Memorial Service for Margie Heath, Grace
o 3pm Trinity Security Council Mtg., Trinity
* Sunday (7/11): 6th Sunday after Trinity
o 8am Divine Service, Grace
o 9:30am Bible Study, Trinity
o 11am Divine Service, Trinity
o 2pm Misa en Español, Grace

Looking Ahead…
* July 20 OMT will meet at Grace to discuss the Philokalia, Volume 1, a rich spirituality. Get your copy at Eighth Day Books!
* CLOTHING GIVEAWAY! On Saturday, September 11th from 9a-12p, Grace’s Board of Social Ministry will hold a clothing giveaway. Donations will be accepted and appreciated until the first of September. Please drop off donations at Grace on Sunday mornings, Tuesdays from 9-11a, or you can contact Jennifer Reyes at 316-300-0500 for other arrangements. Volunteers for sorting the week prior are always needed, as is help the day of the event. Please mark your calendars and contact Jennifer with any questions and let her know if you are able to help. Thanks!

Other Things…
* July’s Newsletter and Calendar are here! Check out Trinity’s Torch and the Grace Notes along with the monthly Calendar. This month we take a look at the Lessons from holy Scripture in the Divine Service. Enjoy!
* Here’s the latest newsletter from the Conrads, our missionaries in Mexico City.

Prayer Requests…
* We just learned that Nordell Glover, one of our members at Trinity, fell asleep in Christ last week. Pray for his family who mourns.
* For Alex, Ruby Irwin’s son, with various health problems.
* For Amanda Bacon, one of our neighbors across the street from Trinity, who gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Mary Jane.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.

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