Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

14 May 2021
*Friday after the Ascension of Our Lord,*

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

This Sunday is
T* Exaudi *T
Ezekiel 36:22-28; 1 Peter 4:7-14; John 15:26-16:4 <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=37f1f41d-f663-4b16-a924-1f442262ee2d&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>

*Yesterday* was the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord. There we saw our Lord crowned and seated at the right hand of the Father. That does NOT mean, however, that He’s now located somewhere *away *or *apart *from us. The right hand of the Father is the power of God, wherever He is doing His saving work. So now, Jesus—with *both* flesh *and* divinity—is with us always, always at work forgiving our sin, comforting us in our weakness, and drawing us into His immortality. It’s His ascension that gives us the confidence to call upon Him now, trusting that He will hear us, be gracious to us, and answer us. And it’s from His ascension to the right hand of the Father that He sends His Holy Spirit, to strengthen our faith, and keep us unto life-everlasting. *Join us this Sunday at Grace at 8am and Trinity at 11am* to receive the Spirit and the new life He gives and works within us.

Bible Study this week is at *Trinity* at 9:30am. We’ll continue with Revelation 19.

*Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…*
*Trinity** Grace*
*Counter: the Wortzes Counters: Jeanette*
*Greeters: the Lewallens Greeters: the Brunners*
*Ushers: Sheryl Anderson & Ushers: Cory & Terry*
* Keith Buhr Altar Guild: the Browns*
*Altar Guild: the Lessmans*
*Elder: **Scott Irwin*

*For those not able to join us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=640dc73a-3a56-486b-a4e7-8fc88ed29768&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> to follow along with at home. Also, here are the news/notes <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=f02d9049-088b-4a80-9b91-aec9fc01e7c1&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> and the congregation at prayer <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=bef5a68d-7f73-446f-86dd-0f61ab343a20&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>for Sunday.

Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account ( Grace <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=f064209c-841c-4984-bbe5-110ee12a55db&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> , Trinity <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=4857d288-7569-4cc2-86c9-3458a9d4245e&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Today: *
o *4pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Sunday (5/16): **Exaudi – The Seventh Sunday of Easter*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *1pm **Meal & Catechesis en Español, *Grace
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
· *Monday*:
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *6pm *New Member Catechesis, Trinity
· *Tuesday: *
o *9am *Matins & OMT, Grace (*discussing Gordon Lathrop, Holy Things <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=86cdff4b-a100-4fc0-be10-898fbadabc19&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>* )
o *6:30pm *Grace Council Mtg., Grace
· *Wednesday: *
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o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Grace
o *5:15pm *Youth Catechesis End of Year Party, Trinity (parking lot)
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: *
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *6pm *Trinity Elders Mtg., Trinity
· *Friday: **Commemoration of Constantine and Helena*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: **Pentecost Eve*
o *5:30pm *Pentecost Vigil Vespers & Examination of Confirmands, Trinity
· *Sunday (5/23): **Feast of Pentecost*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service & Confirmation (*Ben Smith, Sophia Schneider*), Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
o *3:30pm *Elders Book Study, Grace

*Looking Ahead…*
· *May 23 *~* 2021 Kansas District Pentecost Offering: *West Africa has a pressing need for well-trained, faithful Christian pastors. *YOU can help* by participating in the 2021 Kansas District Pentecost Offering. This year’s offering will again support theological education in West and Central Africa, with a special focus on the new CLET seminary in Guinea. Exciting things are happening there, with the help of Kansas District congregations!* Every gift matters, as do prayers! *To learn more or make a gift, visit the Pentecost Offering webpage at *kslcms.org/pentecost* <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=fac0a844-ab00-4b38-885b-6f2228b0ee62&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>. If you would rather donate by mail, you can send a check with “Pentecost Offering” in the memo line to LCMS Kansas District, 1000 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66604. Check out this video for more info on our mission efforts in Africa <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=8dccdaae-7854-4c75-b5dd-d07ec806a3ee&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> .
· *May 25* ~ Marriage & Family Class, Trinity
· *May 30* ~ Joint-Parish Sunday at Trinity: 9:30am Bible Study, 11am Divine Service, 12pm Brunch
· *Summer Schedule: *For June and July we’ll not have Wednesday Bible Study, Divine Service, or youth Catechesis.
· *June 2-5 *~ 4th Annual EDI Florovsky-Newman Week, an academic week and ecumenical discussion of Baptism. For more info, go here <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=a1437b5d-66a4-4340-a453-fb7f3e64ae71&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> .

*Other things…*
· *I was on the radio* this week discussing a summer reading list of the Church Fathers. You can give it a listen here <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=ebe7bff2-1587-440b-b9aa-9e55389ec94e&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> .
· *We received a request for hospitality: *high schoolers from Iowa are on their way to Higher Things, traveling to Austin, TX. Might we have several families willing to house some of this group for a night *Monday, July 26*, and possibly give a quick breakfast before they leave early morning *Tuesday, July 27th*? They’d arrive in Wichita on Monday, sometime 9-11pm and leave Tuesday around 5:30-6am. They’ll have one adult male (Pr. Egger), one HS boy, two adult women, eight HS girls. They can divide into homes however is most convenient. Please let me know if you can help with this!
· *NEW MEMBER CATECHESIS*: Every Monday, from 6-7:30pm, we meet at Trinity for a class on what we believe, teach, and confess as Lutherans, particularly as it is prayed in the Sunday Liturgy. Please invite any family or friends—and come yourself for a refresher! There’s no obligation to join the church after the class, but for those desiring to do so, this is an opportunity. If you’ve already missed a class or two, no worries! Join us!
· *Here’s your opportunity to participate in the LWML National Convention in Lexington, KY. June 24 to 27, 2021. **LOIS WINTER will be attending in person and will participate in the PHOTO FINISH MISSION WALK on the 26th so we’re asking for your donations which will go to the overall MISSION GOAL of the LWML. Cash or checks can be deposited in the big Mite Box in the narthex before June 13th. Please make checks payable to **TRINITY LADIES’ GUILD. *Thank you and may God richly bless this convention and all participants… and you for your generous donation.
· *Trinity Ladies Guild/LWML* will be collecting items for Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits between June 6 and August 22. There will be boxes in the Narthex to put your donations in. If you want us to purchase the items for you, please put monetary donations in the large Mite Box in an envelope marked Personal Care Kits. We will be collecting the following items: light-weight dark colored bath towels, bath size bars of soap, adult size toothbrushes, metal nail clippers, sturdy combs. The kits will be assembled and boxed on September 11 at 9:30 am.

*Prayer Requests…*
· Please pray for Susan Reed (our former secretary at Grace), whose niece, Becky, was killed in a car accident earlier this week.
· For Dennis McManis, cousin of Gerry Bryant, suffering from various cancers.
· Continued prayers for Carolyn Schaub, also suffering from cancer.
· For Gail, Roxann Gird’s sister, who was also recently diagnosed with cancer.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.
<ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=11cf0e05-6aa4-4193-a2f4-1ffc297224ef&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> Virus-free. www.avast.com <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=3f6aef60-b54f-46fb-a1d0-670eabdad242&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8> <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12860863&l=6b348c90-7ddd-45b5-a768-e5f269456b2d&r=10dfdaf7-8d8a-47e3-8617-41b326a16dc8>

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Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

7 May 2021
*Friday of Cantate, Commemoration of C.F.W. Walther,*

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

This Sunday is
T* Rogate *T
Numbers 21:4-9; James 1:22-27; John 16:23-33 <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=090f22a1-df30-4031-b990-70b8b7a9a596&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>

*This Sunday* is different than the other Sundays. And isn’t that just like our Lord, to make each Sunday its own, unique gift to us? We call it *Rogate*, which means “to ask” or “to pray.” Unlike the other Sundays, it *doesn’t* come from our Introit. Rather, it comes from the Gospel, where Jesus says: “*Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you*” (John 16:23). That, and the three days that follow, called Rogation days, give Sunday its name. Rogation days are days of repentance and prayer and they fall this week (Monday – Wednesday) as a sort of mini-penitential season before the Ascension of our Lord (*which we’ll celebrate this Thursday at Immanuel, by the way*). In some places, these days are marked with processions outside, around the church building, through the neighborhoods, in the fields, wherever the prayers would bless the lives and vocations of the people gathered. But they always ended back at the altar, where the Lord would give Himself to His people as an answer to their prayers. And so He does for us, too. *Join us this Sunday at Grace at 8am and Trinity at 11am* for prayer and the answer to prayer, the cross of Jesus Christ.

*Today* the Church commemorates C.F.W. Walther (1811-1887). Coming from Saxony, Germany to the United States in 1839, Walther served as Pastor of several congregations in St. Louis, President of Concordia Seminary, and became the first President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (1847). He’s a remarkable figure, whose writings—particularly his Proper Distinction of Law and Gospel—have guided this church since the founding. Thank God for Walther and the legacy of a strong scriptural and confessional identity in our church.

Bible Study this week is at *Trinity* at 9:30am. We’ll continue with Revelation 19. To help, here’s a little more from Peter Leithart <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=b5d24981-b88a-4d75-9ce8-52dc387edd39&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>. Enjoy!

*Those Serving at Grace & Trinity today…*
*Trinity** Grace*
*Counter: the Wortzes Counters: Tom & Sandy*
*Greeters: the Lewallens Greeters: the Howards*
*Ushers: Sheryl Anderson & Ushers: Terry & Ted*
* Keith Buhr Altar Guild: the Browns*
*Altar Guild: the Lessmans*
*Elder: Scott Irwin*

*For those not able to join us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=f1eabe0e-d931-4d62-bb50-f7ce8e540e7a&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> to follow along with at home. Also, here are the news/notes <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=de08d7cb-14c7-42eb-aa48-72de67eb004c&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> and the congregation at prayer <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=19a0aa6e-365e-402f-a4b3-a865a077b5b0&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>for Sunday.

Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account ( Grace <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=60444449-a94c-4fce-a167-225442d06f23&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> , Trinity <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=33e9d52d-7ce6-4e11-b160-20616d9ef121&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Today: **Commemoration of C.F.W. Walther*
o *4pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: *
o *10am *Father/Son Work Day – Meet at Trinity
· *Sunday (5/9): **Rogate – The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Commemoration of Job, Mothers’ Day*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace
· *Monday*:
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *6pm *New Member Catechesis, Trinity
· *Tuesday: **Commemoration of Saints Cyril & Methodius*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o RSVP by 11am <secretary@ilchurch.org> for the Ascension Beer & Brat Dinner (5/13) (secretary@ilchurch.org)
o *7pm *Trinity Council Mtg., Trinity
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o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11am *Divine Service, Grace
o *5:15pm *Youth Catechesis, Trinity
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: **The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=717e99d1-56de-4faf-8e07-74f51a42d2c9&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>*
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *6pm *Divine Service for the Feast of the Ascension, Immanuel
o *7pm *Beer/Brat Supper, Immanuel (suggested $10 Free Will offering for dinner & beer)
o *7:30pm *Hall of Men, the Ladder
· *Friday: *
o *9am *Matins, Grace
o *4-5pm *Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: *
o *9:30am *Ladies Guild, Trinity
· *Sunday (5/16): **Exaudi – The Seventh Sunday of Easter*
o *8am *Divine Service, Grace
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service, Trinity
o *1pm **Meal & Catechesis en Español, *Grace
o *2pm **Misa en Español, *Grace

*Looking Ahead…*
· *TOMORROW (5/8) *~ FATHER/SON WORK-DAY*:* we’re going to gather as many fathers and sons as are willing to spend time together, bonding around labor, food, and conversation. We’ll be putting in a pretty extensive garden at the home of a friend of Scott Smith (7918 W 53rd St N, Maize). Meet at Trinity at 9:45am. Let me know if you plan to be there!
· *May 13 *~ Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord, Immanuel Lutheran Church (909 S. Market St.) – This is one of the four chief festivals of Christ (Christmas, Easter, Epiphany being the others), and is therefore a Holy Day for the Church (Augsburg Confession XV <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=8bad99f2-1511-48af-b78e-b0b5568640ab&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>). Pr. Aaron Hannemann of Ascension Lutheran will be our preacher. All the Wichita area LCMS churches are invited making this a great time to reconnect with our Lutheran family in the Wichita area.
– The *Divine Service is at 6pm*. – The Beer & Brat dinner *will follow *the Divine Service. – Please RSVP for the beer & brat dinner by Tuesday morning by emailing Phyllis – secretary@ilchurch.org – so we get somewhat of an accurate number for dinner.
· *May 22* ~ Pentecost Vigil Vespers, 5:30pm, Trinity, w/Examination of Confirmands
· *May 23* ~ Confirmation: Ben Smith & Sophia Schneider
· *May 30* ~ Joint-Parish Sunday at Trinity: 9:30am Bible Study, 11am Divine Service, 12pm Brunch
· *June 2-5 *~ 4th Annual EDI Florovsky-Newman Week, an academic week and ecumenical discussion of Baptism. For more info, go here <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=4e3e5928-f3a5-48d3-a6f9-73e552f1c524&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> .

*Other things…*
· *NEW MEMBER CATECHESIS*: Every Monday, from 6-7:30pm, we meet at Trinity for a class on what we believe, teach, and confess as Lutherans, particularly as it is prayed in the Sunday Liturgy. Please invite any family or friends—and come yourself for a refresher! There’s no obligation to join the church after the class, but for those desiring to do so, this is an opportunity.
· *Here’s your opportunity to participate in the LWML National Convention in Lexington, KY. June 24 to 27, 2021. **LOIS WINTER will be attending in person and will participate in the PHOTO FINISH MISSION WALK on the 26th so we’re asking for your donations which will go to the overall MISSION GOAL of the LWML. Cash or checks can be deposited in the big Mite Box in the narthex before June 13th. Please make checks payable to **TRINITY LADIES’ GUILD. *Thank you and may God richly bless this convention and all participants… and you for your generous donation.
· Margaret Young wants everyone to know that she’s very thankful for all the cards and love she was shown during her time spent in the hospital. Thank you!
· Here’s the latest <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=7e93c008-3290-4ba4-89c8-2780f1e914e8&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> from our Missionaries in Mexico City!
· Two recent notices have come from the International Lutheran Council (ILC):
o Prayers for the Bishop of Finland <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=4e3e5928-f3a5-48d3-a6f9-73e552f1c524&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e>, who is being persecuted for his and his church’s stance on human sexuality;
o Prayers for India <ec2-52-26-194-35.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x/d?c=12730102&l=b8e4d884-c363-43b4-8631-cdeb609b2d11&r=546223dc-55eb-4669-afed-e3037c5b755e> in the midst of an intense Covid wave.

*Prayer Requests…*
· Thank God for successful surgeries for: Margie Hurt, Keith Lewallen, Delmar Quade, and Julia Lessman.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life.

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Prayer Requests

Dear Saints of God at Grace & Trinity,
We give thanks today for the Lord’s care and the successful surgeries undergone by a number of our beloved!
– Margie Hurt is doing well and will recover at St. Francis for the next 4-5 days; – Delmar Quade is likewise doing very well; – Keith Lewallen’s eye surgery was successful. He’s home but is to take it easy for the next couple of weeks; – Julia Lessman underwent a very successful surgery in Kansas City.
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Yours in Christ our life, -Pr. Boyle

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