Prayer Request

Dear Saints and friends of Grace & Trinity,
At 1:00am this morning, Virtus, Pr. Brockman’s father, fell asleep in Christ. He was put on Hospice yesterday for labored breathing. Let us give thanks to God for a godly life of faith and for the Online shopping is not only safe, it is convenient. levitra lowest price The use of ayurvedic oil massage viagra france helps the body in order to cleanse the accumulated toxins and balance Kapha. Though hygiene is nowhere related directly to erectile and cardiac issues, those living viagra without prescription in unclean conditions are more treatable the earlier it is caught. If it is discount viagra no prescription almost time for your next dose, it is better to skip the missed dosage and go back to your regular dosing schedule. comfort of the sure and certain promise of the resurrection for all who are joined to the life of Christ.
” *Precious in the sight of the Lord* *is the death of his saints*.” (Ps 116:15)
Yours in Christ our life, -Pastor

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Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

View this email in your browser ( 28 August 2020 Commemoration of St. Augustine of Hippo
Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
SUNDAY – TRINITY 12 The Sunday of the Deaf Mute Isa 29.17-24, 2 Cor 3.4-11, Mk 7.31-37 (
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Rom 10:13). Tracing St. Paul’s logic, in order to call on the name of the Lord one must believe in the name of the Lord. And in order to believe in the name of the Lord, one must hear of the One who comes in the name of the Lord. And in order to hear, there must be someone to preach. And no one can preach unless he is sent. And bringing this logic to its climax, St. Paul exclaims, “faith comes by hearing” (Rom 10:17). But what are we to do with deaf ears; how can anyone hear, believe, and call upon the name of the Lord, thus being brought into our Lord’s salvation? To open our lips our Lord must first open our ears. And He does that by His powerful, life-giving word. In fact, He even does it for us again this Sunday at 8am at Grace and 11am at Trinity! Join us!
Bible Study is at 9:30am at Grace. We’ll resume our study of the book of Revelation. Please join us!
For those not yet joining us in person, here is the bulletin for Sunday ( to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace ( , Trinity ( ). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here are the news/notes ( and the congregation at prayer ( for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel ( .
Coming up this week… * Today: + 4-5pm Private Absolution, Trinity * Sunday: 12^th Sunday after Trinity + 8am Divine Service, Grace + 9:30am Bible Study, Grace + 11am Divine Service, Trinity + 1pm Catecismo en Español, Grace + 2pm Misa en Español, Grace + 3:30pm Elders Book Study, Grace * Tuesday: Commemoration of Joshua + No Matins + 5:15pm Lord’s Diner + 7pm Concordia Academy Board Mtg., Grace * Wednesday: Commemoration of Hannah + 9:30am Bible Study, Grace + 11am Divine Service, Grace + 7pm Evening Prayer, Trinity * Friday: Commemoration of Moses + 4-5pm Private Absolution, Trinity * Sunday (9/6): 13^th Sunday after Trinity + 8am Divine Service, Grace + 9:30am Bible Study, Grace + 11am Divine Service, Trinity + 1pm Catecismo en Español, Grace + 2pm Misa en Español, Grace + 3:30pm Concordia Academy Board Mtg., Grace
Remember the Regular Rhythm of the Chuch… * Daily Matins at Grace, Monday to Friday at 9am * Wednesday Bible Class at Grace, 9:30am (studying Colossians) * Wednesday Divine Service at Grace, 11am * Wednesday Evening Prayer at Trinity, 7pm * Friday Private Absolution at Trinity, 4-5pm * Sunday Divine Service at Grace at 8am, at Trinity at 11am, and en Español at Grace at 2pm * Sunday Bible Class at 9:30am at Grace (even months) and at Trinity (odd months) * Sunday Catecismo en Español at Grace at 1pm
Looking Ahead… * Save the Date! Joint Fall Picnic on Saturday, September 26. Time and location to follow! * Our next non-Sunday feast/festival will celebrate St. Michael & All Angels on September 29^th at 7pm at Grace. * The 4th Annual Lutheran Men’s Retreat ( is coming up next month, Sept 18-19 at the Herington Retreat Center. Register now. Pick up your book from me. See you there! * Trinity Members: your ballots are due this Sunday for District Officer nominations.
Other things… * Here’s the September Calendar ( . The September Newsletter will be sent out next week. * Here’s another short video by Peter Leithart ( , discussing Revelation 4, which will set us up nicely for our discussion of Chapter 5 in this week’s Bible class. * Please pray for the people of Burkina Faso, especially for our sister Church (Église Évangélique Luthérienne du Burkina Faso – EELBF). You can read more about their plight ( of violence, displacement, and persecution here. Here’s a clip from the article: + “The United Nations reports ( that violence in the nation has led to the displacement of more than one million people as of August 2020—an increase of more than 453,000 since the beginning of 2020, and a dramatic change from early 2019 when there were 87,000 internally displaced people in the country. + “Today, five percent of the entire population is now displaced. More than 2,500 schools have been closed, and health care access has been significantly decreased… + Members of the small Evangelical Lutheran Church in Burkina Faso (Église Évangélique Luthérienne du Burkina Faso – EELBF) have not escaped the growing violence. Over the past three years, the EELBF has seen twelve of its members killed in terrorist attacks. Several others have disappeared and remain missing.” + And here’s a prayer for them: + “Gracious God, heavenly Father, You know the shock and sorrow that the events of these days have spread across the land. We are helpless before the evil that afflicts us and therefore cry out to You for comfort, shelter, and protection. Mercifully embrace the frightened in Your love, empower the weak with Your strength, restrain the wicked by Your might, and preserve the righteous in Your grace, giving us Your peace and turning tragedy to triumph; though Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.” * The Kansas District begins a 90-day Prayer Campaign on September 1^st: “Together We Pray”. Here’s a digital copy of the booklet ( , which is also printed and available in the Narthex, which includes daily scripture verses and prayers through November 29, the first Sunday in Advent. If you’re on Facebook, you can find the prayers on the Kansas District page. You can also find a booklet with all the prayers on the Kansas District website (, available August 31. Take a minute or two each day to join your fellow Kansans in prayer, with the confidence that He will hear us! + Also, here’s a sneak-peek at the upcoming KS District insert in the Lutheran Witness ( for next month that describes this further. (I fixed the link, by the way…) * The LWML still needs many more spiral 70-page notebooks and a dozen rulers for Lutheran World Relief School Kits. We’re collecting until 9/20. In the recent bombing in Beirut, LWR lost 3 40-foot containers of quilts, blankets, school kits, baby layettes, and hygiene kits made by Lutheran women from the US. COVID-19 is hampering pickups and shipments as well. Any help you can give is much appreciated!
Prayer Requests… * For Bethany Brewer, Dick & Christi Lewallen’s daughter, who recently received a positive COVID diagnosis. She is also pregnant, expecting a daughter. * For Les Howard, whose heart cath. this morning revealed significant blockage and will undergo by-pass surgery, likely next Monday. * Thank God for Ginger Manchesian’s return home and continued recovery.
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Funeral Service for Lorraine Koch

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
A visitation for Lorraine will be held Wednesday, August 26, at 10AM here at Grace. The funeral service will follow at 11AM. The graveside service, following the luncheon, will be at 2PM at Lakeview Cemetery (12100 E 13TH ST N, WICHITA, KS 67206). Please join us if you’re able!

Memorials can be made to Grace Lutheran Church and to Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice.
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Peace and joy to you all in Christ our life,

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