26 June 2020 *Commemoration of the Prophet Jeremiah*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

*SUNDAY – TRINITY 3 – “The Sunday of the Lost Sheep”*
Lost sheep, yes; but it’s also the Sunday of the lost coin and the lost son. That last parable you know quite well under a different name: the *Prodigal *Son. But like the sheep and the coin, the story is less about the trouble one gets into while lost than it is about the Father, who seeks and saves the lost. This week we are given to see into the heart of God’s love and compassion for you. And there are no lengths too far for Him to cut short His mission to save you. *Join us at the party of all those who were lost and now are found at 8am at Grace and 11am at Trinity. Bible Study will be at 9:30am at Grace in between.*

*For those not yet joining us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/fe6d7047-ad2d-4b67-8ead-dbf4abf52b2a/2020_06_28_Trinity_3.pdf> to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=wCot5F31B3BCMGc_rqa9rKq8o4vspj-2tWvShIKflafDuTF3_Gjx2kAzNprB-l0qv9Cl_0&country.x=US&locale.x=US> , Trinity <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=-eO1mBefdYdlIer9JaA1yKx2ArXPRES5imEdrbOsmYixnzIYVbQ8trBJ22NR0QldHiAuOG&country.x=US&locale.x=US>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here are the news/notes <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/9a5d59ca-e100-4326-91cf-9f9ceeb63db7/6_28_20_News_Notes.pdf> and the congregation at prayer <mcusercontent.com/a90ee03ff0810e6c55bae6a58/files/0754776d-011a-478b-91b0-3337aa058421/2020_06_28_Third_Sunday_after_Trinity.pdf>for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel <www.youtube.com/channel/UCps_zCiT4d-quSzrzhAEX0A/>.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Today:*
o *4pm* Private Confession, Trinity
· *Saturday: **Commemoration of St. Cyril of Alexandria*
o *10-11:30am* Altar Guild Training Session, Grace
o *3:30pm *Trinity Elders Meeting, Trinity
· *Sunday:*
o During the service at Trinity we’ll have a *Farewell & Godspeed *rite for D.P. and Bethany Farenthold. They will be moving to Chicago at the end of this month.
o SPECIAL TRINITY VOTERS MEETING, right after the service
o *3:30pm *Elders Book Study, Grace (*all are welcome!*)
· *Monday – Friday:*
o *9am* Matins, Grace
· *Tuesday*:
o *7pm* “Final Tuesday” Marriage & Family Class, Trinity
· *Wednesday:*
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o *11:00am *Divine Service, Grace
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: *
o *7pm *Divine Service for the Feast of the Visitation, Immanuel**
· *Friday: **Commemoration of Jeremiah*
o *4-5pm* Private Absolution, Trinity

*Other things…*
· Grace’s Council will meet early next month, on July 7 instead of the 21st. There will also be a Voters Meeting on Sunday 7/12 at 3:30pm.
· Did you know that Grace has a mini “Bookstore”? Some of the items available include C.F.W. Walther’s *Law & Gospel; *a paperback version of *The Lutheran Study Bible*; Pr. Jeff Hemmer’s *Man Up!*; Gene Veith and Mary Moerbe’s *Family Vocation*; as well as numerous copies of the little booklet series *5 Things You Can Do To…*including: *Have a faithful Prayer Life; Live a Jesus-Centered Life; Witness Christ; Understand the Bible Better*. If you’re interested in any of these, please let me know.

*Prayer Requests…*
· We’ve been praying for Kim Nunnold’s friend Al for a few months now. He’s in his last days. Please pray for him as well as for Kim, who is recovering from another surgery this week.
· David Rolf, Roxann Gird’s uncle, fell asleep in Christ this week. Please remember Roxy and the family in your prayers.
· Ginger Manchesian is recovering at a rehab center now. Pray for continued health and patience.
· Jenna Goscha, living in California, tested positive for COVID-19 last weekend. She seems to be stable and recovering more and more each day. Thank God!
· Audrey Rolf will have back surgery early in July; keep her in your prayers for comfort, health, and a speedy recovery.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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25 June – Commemoration of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

The presentation of the Augsburg Confession was a decisive moment, one long in coming. It is important to understand the history leading up to the Imperial Meeting at Augsburg [on June 25, 1530]. Nine years earlier, on April 18, 1521, at the Imperial Meeting in Worms, Charles V had listened as Martin Luther refused to recant his teachings, saying, “I cannot and will not recant. I cannot do otherwise. Here I stand. God help me. Amen.” Now Charles was watching as the most important rules in his German territories confessed their faith openly and courageously in spite of the threats to their lives from both the government and the Church.

The Augsburg Confession was intentionally crafted to present a gentle and peaceful response to the emperor. It was intended only to speak for Saxony. However, as various German leaders read it they indicated that they, too, wanted to sign their names and make it their Confession.

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Excerpted from Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, pages 21, 25 C 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

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19 June 2020, Friday after Trinity 1, continued…

Dear Saints and friends of Grace & Trinity,
I forgot to mention a few items:
1. This Sunday (tomorrow!) please bring back your baby bottle with donations for Kansans for Life. 2. We’re thrilled to have David Ketteman join our congregation at Trinity tomorrow–if you’ve not already, please welcome him when you see him! 3. And speaking of David, please keep his uncle’s family in your prayers. Rollin Ketteman fell asleep in Christ this week. We’ll pray that the Lord would receive him with joy and continue to care for his family. 4. OMT is Tuesday at Trinity from 9am to Noon. We’ll pray Matins, discuss St. Bernard of Clairvaux’s treatises, and then go to lunch. If you’re able, please join us! I’m attaching two of the four treatises we’ll discuss.
Peace and joy to you all in Christ our life, -Pastor

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