19 June 2020, Friday after Trinity 1

19 June 2020
*Friday after Trinity 1*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

*SUNDAY – TRINITY 2 – “The Sunday of the Great Banquet”*
We’re only our second week into the Trinity season and we’re already drinking deeply from Wisdom’s well—or, better yet, drinking deeply from Wisdom’s banquet wine. Wisdom in Proverbs is the voice of Christ. Just as we hear in the Gospel, the Lord throws a huge banquet and everything is now ready. He sends His prophets and apostles, his pastors and all those set as preachers of His feast. They go to the highways and by-ways, calling all to enter and proclaiming that all is set. He begs all to leave their simple ways of sin and simply rejoice in His gifts at the feast. However, excuse after excuse, we find our own rejection of these gifts, failing to hear the call as the voice of Wisdom and thus the voice of Christ. So, in need of Wisdom, which is the fear and love of the Lord, we are taught to pray this Sunday: “*O Lord, since You never fail to help and govern those whom You nurture in Your steadfast fear and love, work in us a perpetual fear and love of Your holy name.*” *Join us as we seek to heed Wisdom’s call at 8am at Grace and 11am at Trinity. Bible Study will be at 9:30am at Grace in between.*

*For those not yet joining us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday <drive.google.com/file/d/10lNuNutkXtRKb1CWqrCqA1bEVA4BoLJg/view?usp=sharing> to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=wCot5F31B3BCMGc_rqa9rKq8o4vspj-2tWvShIKflafDuTF3_Gjx2kAzNprB-l0qv9Cl_0&country.x=US&locale.x=US> , Trinity <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=-eO1mBefdYdlIer9JaA1yKx2ArXPRES5imEdrbOsmYixnzIYVbQ8trBJ22NR0QldHiAuOG&country.x=US&locale.x=US>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, attached are the news/notes <drive.google.com/file/d/1tScOOb04T0YVIoVFzIMGlY1lD-uJJWwT/view?usp=sharing> and the congregation at prayer <drive.google.com/file/d/1YfXiYPRKQySGZcOayJlNe_sSh-4tb3Ib/view?usp=sharing>for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel <www.youtube.com/channel/UCps_zCiT4d-quSzrzhAEX0A/>.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Monday – Friday:*
o Matins is back daily at 9am starting Monday!
o Grace Elders Mtg., 5:30pm
· *Tuesday*:
o *9:00am* OMT at Trinity with Matins (*no Matins at Grace*)
o *7:00pm* Concordia Academy Board Mtg., Grace (*handbook review*)
· *Wednesday:*
o *9:30am *Bible Study, Grace
o *11:00am *Divine Service celebrating the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Grace
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday: **Commemoration of the Augsburg Confession*
o *7:30pm *Hall of Men, the Ladder
· *Friday: **Commemoration of Jeremiah*
o *4-5pm* Private Absolution, Trinity
· *Saturday: **Commemoration of St. Cyril of Alexandria*
o *10-11:30am *Altar Guild Training Session, Grace
o *3:30pm *Trinity Elders Mtg., Trinity

*Other things…*
· ALTAR GUILD TRAINING SESSION! Join us next Saturday, *June 27th at 10am at Grace* for all the *what, why, and how* of caring for the altar. Whether you’re an old pro, newly enlisted, or simply curious to know more, please join us! This is open to all and will address both the practical side as well as the theology behind it. Invite a friend, bring a child, and learn the reverent joy that goes with our Lord’s gifts at the altar.
· Attached is the letter sent by Franz Jaegerstaetter to his wife and family before he was killed for refusing to swear the oath to Hitler. His story is incredibly powerful and can be seen in the movie *A Hidden Life.* If you get a chance, watch that movie. In the meantime, take a couple minutes to read this profoundly courageous letter. Also attached are the other readings we discussed: a note from Pr. Larry Beane, whose son committed suicide a month back and a letter from Basil the Great addressing just such a circumstance. Lord, have mercy!

*Prayer Requests…*
· Continued prayers for Margie Heath, who is recovering well over at Family Health and Rehab and hopes to return home (to Shawn’s) on Monday.
· Please keep Dick Lewallen in your prayers as his furlough has resulted in the loss of his job. Thank God that the Lord provides and we look for Him to continue that provision for Dick and Christie.
· Ginger Manchesian underwent a fairly extensive surgery this past week and is recovering at St. Francis. Please keep her in your prayers, too.
· Finally, thank you for all the very kind birthday wishes, notes, and voicemails this last week. It’s a joy to see the Lord’s constant care, year after year—much of which is through you. Thank you! (Oh, and thanksgiving for a safe return to Wichita!)

Look forward to seeing you all Sunday!
Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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12 June 2020 Commemoration of the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, AD 325

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Today the Church commemorates the first great Ecumenical Council that took place in Nicaea almost 1700 years ago. This is from the *Treasury of Daily Prayer:*
“*The first Council of Nicaea was convened in the early summer of AD 325 by Roman Emperor Constantine at what is today Iznik, Turkey. The emperor presided at the opening of the council. The council ruled against the Arians, who taught that Jesus was not the eternal Son of God but was created by the Father and was called Son of God because of His righteousness. The chief opponents of the Arians were Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, and his deacon, Athanasius. The council confessed the eternal divinity of Jesus and adopted the earliest version of the Nicene Creed, which in its entirety was adopted at the Council of Constantinople in AD 381.*”
If you’re not already aware of the Treasury of Daily Prayer, <www.cph.org/p-11350-treasury-of-daily-prayer-regular-edition.aspx> I cannot commend it highly enough! You’ll benefit as a family gathered around the book with daily readings, prayers, and being tied into the Church Year. As an individual, you might also like the APP called Pray Now <www.cph.org/p-18058-pray-now-app.aspx>.

This Sunday is the Rich Man and Lazarus. It’s a picture of the Christian life–a picture that looks far different from that envisioned by Joel Osteen and others who would have us enjoy our “best life now”. No, we Christians are Lazarus, sitting at the gate of rich men who care nothing for anyone but themselves. This life is a life under the cross, marked by suffering and rejection. And for such a life, is there any better Psalm than the cry “How long, O Lord?” Psalm 13 is our Introit and it’s a beautiful prayer of faith from the depths of suffering and shame. While Lazarus suffers much in this life, he is never rejected by his Lord. Neither are you. You have clung to Moses and the Prophets and the promises that come from them. And your heart shall rejoice in the Lord’s salvation. *Join us over at Grace at 8am or Trinity at 11am* to rejoice with Lazarus and all the saints who find their rest in Christ. Bible study will be led by Pr. Metzger at Grace at 9:30am.

*For those not yet joining us in person*, here is the bulletin for Sunday <drive.google.com/file/d/1fziwxnW4ZhlgLlZcACcKybH87-iHfXRh/view?usp=sharing> to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=wCot5F31B3BCMGc_rqa9rKq8o4vspj-2tWvShIKflafDuTF3_Gjx2kAzNprB-l0qv9Cl_0&country.x=US&locale.x=US> , Trinity <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=-eO1mBefdYdlIer9JaA1yKx2ArXPRES5imEdrbOsmYixnzIYVbQ8trBJ22NR0QldHiAuOG&country.x=US&locale.x=US>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, attached are the news/notes <drive.google.com/file/d/1wDE0ywJ7_ruvk9QHIiItnJ91qMy37AGS/view?usp=sharing> and the congregation at prayer <drive.google.com/file/d/1oqYan8Kh-2smNryz5sJkQ4opW56oVgwr/view?usp=sharing>for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel <www.youtube.com/channel/UCps_zCiT4d-quSzrzhAEX0A/>.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Monday – Friday:*
o No Matins this week
· *Tuesday*:
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o *6:30pm* Grace Council Mtg.
· *Wednesday:*
o No Bible Study or Divine Service
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Friday:*
o No Private Absolution

*Other things…*
· ALTAR GUILD TRAINING SESSION! Join us *June 27th at 10am at Grace* for all the *what, why, and how* of caring for the altar. Whether you’re an old pro, newly enlisted, or simply curious to know more, please join us! This is open to all and will address both the practical side as well as the theology behind it. Invite a friend, bring a child, and learn the reverent joy that goes with our Lord’s gifts at the altar.
· I had mentioned that I would include the texts we discussed in Bible Study last week in our Weekly Update. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to scan them. I’ll be sure to include them next week. What we discussed was a letter (perhaps the last one) sent by Franz Jaegerstatter to his wife and family before he was killed for refusing to swear the oath to Hitler. His story is incredibly powerful and can be seen in the movie *A Hidden Life.* If you get a chance, watch that movie.

Miss you all!
Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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5 June 2020 Commemoration of St. Boniface

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Today the Church commemorates St. Boniface, Missionary to the Germans. This is from the Treasury of Daily Prayer:

Boniface was born in the late seventh century in England. Although he was educated, became a monk, and was ordained as a presbyter in England, he was inspired by the example of others to become a missionary. Upon receiving a papal commission in ad 719 to work in Germany, Boniface devoted himself to planting, organizing, and reforming churches and monasteries in Hesse, Thuringia, and Bavaria. After becoming an archbishop, Boniface was assigned to the See of Mainz in ad 743. Ten years later, he resigned his position to engage in mission work in the Netherlands. On June 5, 754, while awaiting a group of converts for confirmation, Boniface and his companions were murdered by a band of pagans. Boniface is known as the apostle and missionary to the Germans.


This Sunday is the festal hinge of the Church Year. From Advent until now we have marked our days and weeks following the life of Christ—His Nativity, Epiphany, Transfiguration, Suffering, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and just last week, the sending of the Spirit at Pentecost. What follows this Sunday is the life of the Church, marking our days and weeks by the teaching of Christ lived out among us. What stands between these two is the Festival of the Holy Trinity. It’s fitting because to properly grasp the Trinity we must both ponder who God is in Himself, as well as who God is for us and how we can even know Him. We’ll take a crack at opening that door this Sunday with a Joint-Parish Bible Study at 9:30am and Divine Service at 11am—all at Trinity. Please join us!

For a bit of comic preparation, it’s an annual tradition to celebrate Trinity Sunday with our favorite Lutheran Satire theologians, Donall and Conall. Whether you’ve seen it a dozen times or just now discovering this, rejoice that we have such a clear confession of faith in our Creeds and that it’s not about us figuring God out, but believing Him to be who He is and do what He does for us. And speaking of Creeds, we have a tradition of commemorating this festival of the Holy Trinity with the Athanasian Creed, which we’ll recite as our gradual.


Dear members of Grace & Trinity,

As a joint parish, we have used Trinity Sunday to come together to share our love for and appreciation of the gifts that are freely given to us by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is such a joy to gather around our Lord’s altar, worship Him, and celebrate our continued friendship with a meal.

After conversations with members of both congregations, and consideration for ALL of the members of our joint parish, we believe it would be best to join in our combined worship this Sunday, but to postpone and reschedule our meal that traditionally follows. Knowing the benefits of body, mind, and spirit that this meal provides, it isn’t something we treat lightly. However, it seems best to wait to come together as a full church body, in a way that allows for ALL members to celebrate together. We’re not quite there yet, but God willing, we will be soon.

Please keep an eye open in the coming weeks, as we work together to find a time that works well for both Grace & Trinity to come together again for fellowship over a shared meal. Until then, God’s peace and joy be with you all.

~ Pastor Boyle & David VanSant, President of Trinity Lutheran Church

For those not yet joining us in person, attached is the bulletin for Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace, Trinity). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, attached are the news/notes and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.

Coming up this week…

·       Today-Tomorrow:

o   EDI Florovsky/Newman Seminar (for just a $25 donation you get digital access!)

·       Sunday: Joint-Parish Sunday (no 8am service at Grace)

o   9:30am Bible Study at Trinity

o   11am Divine Service at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on FB)

o   2:00pm Misa en Español

·       Monday – Friday:

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o   No Matins this week

·       Tuesday:

o   7pm Trinity Council Mtg.

·       Wednesday:

o   No Bible Study or Divine Service

o   7pm Evening Prayer, Trinity

·       Thursday:

o   7:30pm Hall of Men, the Ladder

·       Friday:

o   No Private Absolution

Other things…

·       I’ve heard from a few people that my e-mails have ended up in their spam/junk folders. Others have said that they’ve received false-phishing e-mails from my name, but a different address. I’m worried that both of these are a result of using Mailchimp. What I’d like to know from you is whether you’ve received any such strange emails claiming to be from me; and if so, would you please forward them to me? I’ve been reporting them as they come.

·       Attached is the monthly Missionary Newsletter for the Conrads in Mexico City. Please remember to keep them in your prayers.

·      Altar Guild Training Session! Join us June 27th at 10am at Grace for all the what, why, and how of caring for the altar. Whether you’re an old pro, newly enlisted, or simply curious to know more, please join us! This is open to all and will address both the practical side as well as the theology behind it. Invite a friend, bring a child, and learn the reverent joy that goes with our Lord’s gifts at the altar.

Prayer Requests…

·      Please pray for favorable results at Kathy Patron’s 6-month check-up next week. The side effects of the anti-fungal med have worsened so she’s hoping to get off of it soon.

·      Safe travel for me as I head out Monday to spend some time with family in Michigan.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,


pdf icon 2020-06-07-Holy-Trinity-Joint-Parish-Sunday.pdf
pdf icon 6-7-20-News-Notes.pdf
pdf icon 2020-06-07_Festival-of-the-Holy-Trinity.pdf
pdf icon Conrad-Mission-Newsletter-May-2020.pdf

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