Weekly Update for Grace & Trinity

5 June 2020
*Commemoration of St. Boniface*

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Today the Church commemorates St. Boniface, Missionary to the Germans. This is from the *Treasury of Daily Prayer:*
“*Boniface was born in the late seventh century in England. Although he was educated, became a monk, and was ordained as a presbyter in England, he was inspired by the example of others to become a missionary. Upon receiving a papal commission in ad 719 to work in Germany, Boniface devoted himself to planting, organizing, and reforming churches and monasteries in Hesse, Thuringia, and Bavaria. After becoming an archbishop, Boniface was assigned to the See of Mainz in ad 743. Ten years later, he resigned his position to engage in mission work in the Netherlands. On June 5, 754, while awaiting a group of converts for confirmation, Boniface and his companions were murdered by a band of pagans. Boniface is known as the apostle and missionary to the Germans.*”

This Sunday is the festal *hinge *of the Church Year. From Advent until now we have marked our days and weeks following the life of Christ—His Nativity, Epiphany, Transfiguration, Suffering, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and just last week, the sending of the Spirit at Pentecost. What follows this Sunday is the life of the Church, marking our days and weeks by the teaching of Christ lived out among us. What stands between these two is the Festival of the Holy Trinity. It’s fitting because to properly grasp the Trinity we must both ponder who God is *in Himself*, as well as who God is *for us *and *how *we can even know Him. We’ll take a crack at opening that door this Sunday with a *Joint-Parish Bible Study at 9:30am and Divine Service at 11am—all at Trinity*. Please join us!

For a bit of comic preparation, it’s an annual tradition to celebrate Trinity Sunday with our favorite Lutheran Satire theologians, Donall and Conall. Whether you’ve seen it a dozen times or just now discovering this, rejoice that we have such a clear confession of faith in our Creeds and that it’s not about us figuring God out, but believing Him to be who He is and do what He does for us. And speaking of Creeds, we have a tradition of commemorating this festival of the Holy Trinity with the Athanasian Creed, which we’ll recite as our gradual.

Dear members of Grace & Trinity,
As a joint parish, we have used Trinity Sunday to come together to share our love for and appreciation of the gifts that are freely given to us by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is such a joy to gather around our Lord’s altar, worship Him, and celebrate our continued friendship with a meal.
After conversations with members of both congregations, and consideration for ALL of the members of our joint parish, we believe it would be best to join in our combined worship this Sunday, but to *postpone and reschedule our meal* that traditionally follows. Knowing the benefits of body, mind, and spirit that this meal provides, it isn’t something we treat lightly. However, it seems best to wait to come together as a full church body, in a way that allows for ALL members to celebrate together. We’re not quite there yet, but God willing, we will be soon.
Please keep an eye open in the coming weeks, as we work together to find a time that works well for both Grace & Trinity to come together again for fellowship over a shared meal. Until then, God’s peace and joy be with you all.
~ Pastor Boyle & David VanSant, *President of Trinity Lutheran Church *

*For those not yet joining us in person*, attached is the bulletin for Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=wCot5F31B3BCMGc_rqa9rKq8o4vspj-2tWvShIKflafDuTF3_Gjx2kAzNprB-l0qv9Cl_0&country.x=US&locale.x=US>, Trinity <www.paypal.com/donate/?token=-eO1mBefdYdlIer9JaA1yKx2ArXPRES5imEdrbOsmYixnzIYVbQ8trBJ22NR0QldHiAuOG&country.x=US&locale.x=US>). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, attached are the news/notes and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel <www.youtube.com/channel/UCps_zCiT4d-quSzrzhAEX0A/>.

*Coming up this week…*
· *Today-Tomorrow*:
o EDI Florovsky/Newman Seminar (for just a $25 donation <support.eighthdayevents.org/campaign/florovsky-newman-week-2020/c282364> you get digital access!)
· *Sunday*: Joint-Parish Sunday (*no 8am service at Grace*)
o *9:30am* Bible Study at Trinity
o *11am *Divine Service at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on FB)
o *2:00pm **Misa en Español*
· *Monday – Friday: *
o No Matins this week
· *Tuesday*:
o *7pm* Trinity Council Mtg.
· *Wednesday:*
o No Bible Study or Divine Service
o *7pm *Evening Prayer, Trinity
· *Thursday*:
o *7:30pm* Hall of Men, the Ladder
· *Friday: *
o No Private Absolution

*Other things…*
· I’ve heard from a few people that my e-mails have ended up in their spam/junk folders. Others have said that they’ve received false-phishing e-mails from my name, but a different address. I’m worried that both of these are a result of using Mailchimp. What I’d like to know from you is whether you’ve received any such strange emails claiming to be from me; and if so, would you please forward them to me? I’ve been reporting them as they come.
· Attached is the monthly Missionary Newsletter for the Conrads in Mexico City. Please remember to keep them in your prayers.
· Altar Guild Training Session! Join us *June 27th at 10am at Grace* for all the *what, why, and how* of caring for the altar. Whether you’re an old pro, newly enlisted, or simply curious to know more, please join us! This is open to all and will address both the practical side as well as the theology behind it. Invite a friend, bring a child, and learn the reverent joy that goes with our Lord’s gifts at the altar.
*Prayer Requests…*
· Please pray for favorable results at Kathy Patron’s 6-month check-up next week. The side effects of the anti-fungal med have worsened so she’s hoping to get off of it soon.
· Safe travel for me as I head out Monday to spend some time with family in Michigan.

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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29 May 2020, Friday of Exaudi

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Last Sunday we prayed:
O King of glory, Lord of hosts, uplifted in triumph far above all heavens, leave us not without consolation but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father; for You live and reign with Him and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

“Send us the Spirit of Truth whom You promised from the Father.” This Sunday that prayer is answered—not only in our commemoration of the first Pentecost, but also in the preaching of the Gospel, the forgiveness of sins, and the feasting upon our Lord’s risen and ascended Body and Blood in the Holy Sacrament. Here the Spirit continually comes through His Word that we would not be left without consolation.

This feast of Pentecost is one of the chief feasts of the Christian calendar. Like Easter and Christmas, it gets an “Eve” or “Vigil” service as well. That will be 10am at Trinity tomorrow (5/30). There Jesus tells us a bit about this promised “Spirit of Truth”—what He’s like and what that means for us: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” (John 14:16-17) We rejoice that this Spirit of Truth calls, gathers, and keeps His children in the truth. We’re also thrilled to celebrate the Rite of Confirmation for Gabe Araiza during this service, who likewise is kept in the faith by the Spirit who dwells with him.

Sunday will recount the loud, rushing wind, the tongues of fire, and the proclamation of the mighty deeds of the Lord in various tongues so that all would hear and believe. It’s the feast that undoes the fall of Babel, binds us all together in Christ, and founds the Church through the Word. Come and rejoice with us at Grace at 8am, Trinity at 11am, or back at Grace en Español at 2pm.

Bible Study will be at Trinity at 9:30am. We’ll discuss the work of the Spirit and the gift He truly is. Join us!

For those not yet comfortable to join us in person, here are the bulletins both for Saturday (Pentecost Eve) and Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace, Trinity). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here’s the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.

Coming up…

  • Today:
    • Private Absolution is offered every Friday from 4-5pm at Trinity

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  • Saturday:
    • 10am Divine Service at Trinity w/the Rite of Confirmation for Gabriel Araiza
    • 3pm Service of Holy Matrimony for Carlos Araiza & Tiffany Payne, Trinity
  • Sunday:
    • 8am Divine Service at Grace
    • 9:30am Bible Study at Trinity
    • 11am Divine Service at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on FB)
    • 3:30pm Elders’ Book Study at Grace
  • Monday – Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
  • Tuesday:
    • 7pm Concordia Academy Board Meeting, Grace
  • Wednesday:
    • 9:30am Bible Study, Grace
    • 11am Divine Service, Grace
    • 7pm Evening Prayer (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Friday:
    • 4-6pm EDI Florovsky-Newman Seminar, Ladder
    • 7:30-9:30pm EDI Florovsky-Newman Seminar, Ladder
  • Saturday:
    • 9:30-11:30am EDI Florovsky-Newman Seminar, Ladder
    • 1:30-3:30pm EDI Florovsky-Newman Seminar, Ladder

Other things…

  • Consider attending the  EDI Seminar, “Hope in the Age of Anxiety.” This seminar is limited to 12 participants in person. However, a donation of $25 or more will give you digital access to the material and a live-feed of the conversation. Join us June 5-6 for this opportunity. Donate here.
  • Grace & Trinity’s Newsletters are ready! In this issue we continue our study of the Lord’s Prayer, focusing particularly on the phrase “on earth as it is in heaven.” Also, here’s the calendar. Remember, the google calendar is always more up to date than this printed one.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

Posted in Calendar, Devotional | Comments Off on 29 May 2020, Friday of Exaudi

22 May 2020 Friday after the Ascension of our Lord

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Yesterday was the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord. There we see our Lord crowned and seated at the right hand of the Father. That does NOT mean, however, that He’s now located somewhere away or apart from us. The right hand of the Father is the power of God. So now, Jesus—with both flesh and divinity—is with us always, always at work forgiving our sin, comforting us in our weakness, and drawing us into His immortality. It’s His ascension that gives us the confidence to call upon Him now, trusting that He will hear us, be gracious to us, and answer us.
[Another somewhat nerdy language excursion through the Introit’s Antiphon…read at your own risk!]
That “hear, be gracious, and answer” is what Exaudi Sunday is all about. I’ve found much joy in looking into these Introit antiphons, from which the Sundays after Easter get their names. Exaudi, the Sunday between the Ascension and Pentecost, is Latin for “to hear plainly, favorably, or listen.” Interestingly, Psalm 27:7 [Ps 26 in the Vulgate and the Septuagint] uses both audi and exaudi. Our antiphon seems to conflate the two. The Greek uses eisakouo for both words. Best is the Hebrew, which has shema at first and ’ana second. So, the Hebrew begins with a call to God to hear and it ends with a call to answer. Only faith connects the hearing to the doing. Faith trusts that God will be who He has promised to be. The other word that creeps in Ps 27 in Hebrew is chaneni, “be gracious to me,” which in Latin is miserere mei and in Greek it’s eleieson me.
So, Ps 27:7 marks our Sunday between the Ascension and Pentecost by the faith that cries out to God, looks to Him to be gracious (and merciful), and trusts that He will answer. Our Collect of the Day captures that posture of holding God to His word: “leave us not without consolation but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father.” The Old Testament reading from Ezekiel (36:22-28) promises this new Spirit that He will put within us, vindicating His holy name. 1 Peter 4:7-14 talks about this Spirit of glory and of God that rests upon you, giving you to share both in the sufferings of Christ as well as His glory. And finally, in today’s Gospel Jesus promises to send the Helper (Paraclete), the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father. With Christ ascended at the right hand of the Father, we rejoice in the Holy Spirit who always preaches Christ to us and for our salvation.
Bible Study will be at Trinity at 9:30am. Join us!
For those not yet comfortable to join us in person, here’s the bulletin for Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (GraceTrinity). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here’s the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.
Coming up…

  • Today:
    • Private Absolution is offered every Friday from 4-5pm at Trinity
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  • Sunday:
    • 8am Divine Service at Grace
    • 9:30am Bible Study at Trinity
    • 11am Divine Service at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on FB)
    • 3:30pm Grace Elders’ Meeting at Grace
  • Monday – Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
  • Tuesday:
    • 7-8:30pm “Final Tuesday Marriage & Family Class” at Trinity.
  • Wednesday:
    • 9:30am Bible Study, Grace
    • 11am Divine Service, Grace
    • 5:15pm Youth Catechesis, Trinity **last one!
    • 7pm Evening Prayer (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
      • Immediately following the Service, we’ll have the Confirmation examination for Gabe Araiza—please join us!
  • Thursday:
    • 5pm Reformation Festival Planning Mtg. at Immanuel
    • 7:30pm Hall of Men at the Ladder
  • Friday:
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution at Trinity
    • 5:30pm Araiza Wedding Rehearsal
  • Saturday:
    • 10am Pentecost Vigil Divine Service at Trinity with Confirmation of Gabe Araiza
    • 3pm Carlos Araiza and Tiffany Payne Wedding at Trinity

Other things…

  • Consider attending the EDI Seminar, “Hope in the Age of Anxiety.” This seminar is limited to 12 participants in person. However, a donation of $25 or more will give you digital access to the material and a live-feed of the conversation. Join us June 5-6 for this opportunity. Donate here.
  • Pentecost Sunday, the 31st, we’ll have our monthly Elders’ Book Study (which, as you know, is open to all) at 3:30pm at Grace. We’re reading our way through Martin Luther’s Freedom of a Christian. Last month’s attempt via Zoom was less than fulfilling. Let’s redeem that this time around as we meet in person.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

Posted in Devotional, Event | Comments Off on 22 May 2020 Friday after the Ascension of our Lord