15 May 2020 Friday of Cantate

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

This Sunday is different than the other Sundays. And isn’t that just like our Lord, to make each Sunday its own, unique gift to us? We call it Rogate, which means “to ask” or “to pray.” Unlike the other Sundays, it doesn’t come from our Introit. Rather, it comes from the Gospel, where Jesus says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you” (John 16:23). That, and the three days that follow, called Rogation days, give Sunday its name. Rogation days are days of repentance and prayer and they fall this week (Monday – Wednesday) as a sort of mini-penitential season before the Ascension of our Lord (which is this Thursday, by the way). In some places, these days are marked with processions outside, around the church building, through the neighborhoods, in the fields, wherever the prayers would bless the lives and vocations of the people gathered. But they always ended back at the altar, where the Lord would give Himself to His people as an answer to their prayers. And so He does for us, too. Join us this Sunday at Grace at 8am and Trinity at 11am for prayer and the answer to prayer.

Bible Study will be at Trinity at 9:30am. I’ll be giving the presentation I gave to the Hall of Men because the audio was so terrible in the live-feed. While we won’t be able to offer quite the same toast, we’ll certainly benefit from hearing a bit about the life and work of one of our Lord’s great contemporary saints, the Rev. Dr. Norman Nagel. Join us!

For those not yet comfortable to join us in person, here’s the bulletin for Sunday to follow along with at home. Please remember to give your offering to the Lord for the service of the Church, either by mailing a check or donating through our PayPal account (Grace, Trinity). I know this is a difficult financial time for many, so if you need assistance, please let us know! We are so thankful for the continued generosity shown to both congregations during this time. Also, here’s the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. If you’ve missed any of the services and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.

  • Today:
    • Private Absolution is offered every Friday from 4-5pm at Trinity
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  • Sunday:
    • 8am Divine Service at Grace
    • 9:30am Bible Study at Trinity
    • 11am Divine Service at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on FB)
    • ARMED FORCES SUNDAY: the LCMS honors those men and women who serve in our nation’s military. The LCMS has many active-duty military chaplains, as well as those serving in Reserve units. The Ministry to the Armed Forces seeks to care for these men and women and is grateful for any support you might offer. For more information, www.lcms.org/ministry-to-the-armed-forces.
    • 3:30pm Joint Parish Council Meeting at Grace
  • Monday – Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
  • Tuesday:
    • 9am Matins & OMT at Grace*
      We’re reading Defending Boyhood by Anthony Esolen. Join us!
    • 6:30pm Grace Council Mtg.
  • Wednesday:
    • 9:30am Bible Study, Grace
    • 11am Divine Service, Grace
    • 5:15pm Youth Catechesis, Trinity
    • 7pm Evening Prayer (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Thursday:
    • Feast of the Ascension of our Lord (celebrated at Immanuel)
      • 5:30pm Beer/Brat Dinner *if you’re able to attend the meal, please RSVP to Immanuel (secretary@ilchurch.org or 316-264-0639)
      • 7:00pm Divine Service
  • Friday:
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution at Trinity

 Other things…

  • The Eighth Day Institute (EDI) can’t hold it’s regular Florovsky-Newman Week, which is one of its three premiere events. However, it will still offer digitally both the annual Florovsky Lecture and a new annual Newman Lecture, as well as a Seminar on the theme: “Hope in the Age of Anxiety.” This seminar is limited to 12 participants in person. However, a donation of $25 or more will give you digital access to the material and a live-feed of the conversation. Join us June 5-6 for this opportunity. Donate here.
  • “Final Tuesday” Marriage & Family Class will return May 26th. This is for anyone interested in learning and discussing more about Biblical and healthy marriages. We meet from 7-8:30pm at Trinity.
  • Pentecost, the third great feast of the Church year, is fast approaching (May 31st)! With the other great feasts—Easter and Christmas—we hold “eve” or “Vigil” services the day before. We’ll do the same for Pentecost as we’ve done in years past. This year, we’ll have a Divine Service at Trinity at 10am on Saturday, 5/30. Immediately following the service, anyone wishing to stick around and hear the examination of Gabe Araiza in preparation for his Confirmation the next day, is more than welcome to do so. Later that same day, at 3pm, Gabe’s dad, Carlos, will marry Tiffany Payne. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they prepare for this joyous celebration.
  • Finally, on Pentecost Sunday, the 31st, we’ll have our monthly Elders’ Book Study (which, as you know, is open to all) at 3:30pm at Grace. We’re reading our way through Martin Luther’s Freedom of a Christian. Last month’s attempt via Zoom was less than fulfilling. Let’s redeem that this time around as we meet in person.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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Notes – Mother’s Day support for KFL, Catechesis letters, newsletters, calendar, Conrad’s missionary newsletter

Other things.
* On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th, we’ll send home baby bottles for you to collect change, cash, and checks to support Kansans For Life. This is an annual opportunity to support life on the local level. The bottles are sent home on Mother’s Day and returned on Father’s Day. Please join us in supporting life from conception to the grave. * Here’s are the Youth Catechesis Letters for this week and the last two in case they didn’t arrive in the mail. Sometimes this leads even cialis canada cheap to divorce as these people do not like to discuss this problem with their partners after sex. The truth is that most men don’t know how to handle it. 1. professional viagra Any men of any age group may suffer from erectile dysfunction and the chances of getting it after your 40’s increases dramatically (sadly Ben is 42 and also one of such sufferers then don’t cloud yourself with overly negative thoughts, as there are ways available to cialis free shipping improve your penile strength. Decrease in the level of testosterone can cause the following issues: Lean muscle loss Fat gaining specially Erectile dysfunction Decline in viagra in italy energy intensity Increase in irritability Prone to depression and mood swing Lowering of bone density Susceptibility to bone fracture Increased possibility of cardiovascular diseases. <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=2e98977c16&e=37d327b7c4> May 1, <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=353686c9a6&e=37d327b7c4> April 24, <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=8c661eeec4&e=37d327b7c4> April 17. * Here are the Newsletters for <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=2c35dcb8c5&e=37d327b7c4> Grace and <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=aa961cb6f3&e=37d327b7c4> Trinity, along with the <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=7bbd75f0b3&e=37d327b7c4> Calendar. Enjoy! * Also, here’s the <tlcwichita.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a90ee03ff0810e6c55ba e6a58&id=a4f7419352&e=37d327b7c4> Missionary Newsletter from the Conrads. See their letter also in the newsletter.
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life, -Pastor

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Sunday and Wednesday schedules update – 4 May 2020

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Beginning May 10th, we’ll go back to our 8am Divine Service at Grace, 11am at Trinity with a Bible study at 9:30am at Trinity. Our Wednesday rhythm of 9:30am Bible study and 11am Divine Service at Grace, along with the 5:15pm Youth Catechesis and 7pm Evening Prayer at Trinity, will resume May 13th. Other studies and activities will also resume this month—thank God!

With the State slowly opening up, and caution still is well-advised, we’ll continue some of the oddities we’ve adopted towards “social distancing”, such as sitting in every other pew; making use of the hand-sanitizer at the entrance; offerings collected in the Narthex; communion offered in a single-file line, to avoid touching the communion rails; receiving communion in the hand; more potent wine and the use of everclear on the purificator; sharing of the peace prior to service; and fellowship outside, rather than in the Narthex.

If you’re not yet comfortable returning to larger gatherings, and still desire the gifts of the Lord’s Word and Sacrament, please let me know—I’d be happy to bring the gifts to you or set a time for you to come to the Church individually. For the time being, we’ll continue our live-streaming and recording of the service.

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Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

Many blessings and much joy to you all in Christ our life,

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