Alleluia! Christ is risen!

The Paschal Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord
Easter Sunday
12 April 2020

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” (1 Cor. 5:7).

O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?…

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 15:54–55, 57)

What a joy it is to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Even though we’re not able to meet as usual or have an Easter brunch together, He lives. We can’t cialis canadian generic browse description Equally the Worldwide Chiropractors Association (ICA) and also the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) have declared May perhaps to become an official month for very good posture. This herbal treatment viagra 50 mg for low testosterone can be used by people of all age, who do not have any kind of side effects and it should be quite affordable for everyone. But there is no cialis 20mg no prescription need to worry because this problem has a treatable solution. During sexual stimulation nitric oxide is released into the body. india viagra online stop His resurrection any more than death could. And though we grieve the timing of this virus, our isolation, and a world still undergoing a Lent, we rejoice in the empty tomb and the proclamation: “Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!

In case you missed it live, you can watch last night’s Easter Vigil service here. You can also find our Easter Sunday service here. Here are the bulletins—Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday—for you to make use of at home.

I encourage you to greet everyone you meet—no matter how rare you may, in fact, see someone—with the paschal greeting: “Christ is risen!” Teach your children the response: “He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” This is how the ancient Christians greeted one another during this time and we will do the same.

This week, if you’d like me to come and bring communion to you at home, please let me know. If you’d like to receive it at Church, let me know. We will still have daily Matins at Grace at 9am. We’ll also have our Wednesday Evening Prayer at Trinity at 8pm. Join us if you’re able as they’ll be streamed on our FB pages as usual. Confession & Absolution will still be offered on Friday from 4-5pm.

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

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Coming up…

  • Today (10 April):
    • Chief Service with Holy Communion, 12pm at Grace
    • Private Absolution is still offered every Friday from 4-5pm at Trinity
    • Tenebrae Vespers Service, 8pm at Trinity
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  • Sunday (12 April) :
    • 9:30am Live-Stream Divine Service at Trinity
  • Monday – Friday (13-17 April) :
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
  • Wednesday (15 April):
    • 8pm Evening Prayer (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Friday (17 April):
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution at Trinity
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Good Friday, 10 April 2020

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,

The altar is stripped. We’re ready for the cross. The sacred Triduum is underway. Our eyes are set on Easter. If you missed Maundy Thursday, you can watch it here. This morning’s Matins can be seen here. Good Friday’s Chief Service will be at Grace at 12pm. You can join us or follow live on FB. Then we’ll close with a Tenebrae Vespers at 8pm at Trinity (see Trinity’s FB page).

Today’s devotion from John Donne’s Holy Sonnet, “Death Be Not Proud” reflects on the impotency and poverty of death. Thanks be to God! By trampling down death by His death, He makes for us death to be nothing more than a sleep; as Donne says, “One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally”.

Here are the upcoming Bulletins for each of the services.
Good Friday Chief Service (12pm at Grace)
Good Friday Tenebrae Service (8pm at Trinity)
Easter Vigil (8pm at Trinity)
Easter Sunday (9:30am at Trinity)

Again, while we encourage people to stay home and strengthen their individual and family prayer disciplines, we are not turning anyone away from the hearing of the word or the reception of the Sacrament. Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday will all be conducted with Holy Communion AND will be live-streamed. If you would like to attend, you are free to do so, provided you uphold our Social Distancing measures and let me know in advance, so I can try to keep the services near the 10-person limit. The week of Easter I would like to offer a number of opportunities to receive the Sacrament—a continuation of Easter. Please let me know if you would like to receive Communion next week and we’ll arrange a time to do so. Finally, please know that if you are choosing to self-isolate—either individually or as a family—there is no obligation to attend (though I encourage you to participate by reading the texts, singing the hymns, and praying the prayers), nor should there be any guilt for not attending.

Also, here’s the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer

for Sunday.

If you’ve missed any of the services or my daily devotions and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.

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