Holy Week schedule

  • Wednesday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 8pm Compline (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Maundy Thursday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 8pm Divine Service (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Good Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 12pm Good Friday Chief Service at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution at Trinity
    • 8pm Tenebrae Vespers (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Holy Saturday:
    • 8pm Easter Vigil at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)

·       These services are all live-streamed, but they are NOT closed services.

·       While we encourage people to stay home and strengthen their individual and family prayer disciplines, we are not turning anyone away from the hearing of the word or the reception of the Sacrament.

·       Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday will all be conducted as usual AND will be live-streamed. If you would like to attend, you are free to do so, provided you uphold our Social Distancing measures (see below) and let me know in advance, so I can try to keep the services near the 10-person limit.



·       Every other pew

·       No one next to the aisles

·       Families may remain close, but if non-family individuals share a pew, they must retain 6 feet of separation (further than an arm-length of each)


·       Single-file line, family-by-family—others wait in pew until the last person from the pew ahead has approached the Pastor—without kneeling at railing (“drive-by” style)

·       Everclear-soaked purificator and fortified wine for the chalice for those who so desire it, while the individual glasses will, for the time being, be the preferred option.

·       No communion on the tongue

·       Individual glasses skipping every other slot (to space them out and prevent fingers touching the lips of other glasses)

·       I’ll stand in the middle (at entrance to chancel) with the Host, Pr. Metzger on one side of me with the chalice (spaced out 6-feet) and an elder on the other with the tray of individual glasses

·       A general dismissal at the end of everyone having communed


·       One usher/elder at Church entrance door, one at sanctuary entrance door, ensuring that only one family at a time is in the narthex

·       Bulletins not passed out, but spread out for individuals to take from bench and card-table


·       No greeting line

·       Congregation excused individually by family, beginning with the back pews

·       Again, one family in Narthex at a time with an usher/elder holding Church entrance door open to minimize individuals touching the handles.

·       Ask that bulletins be disposed of in recycling bin


·       Cry Room/Nursery: Single-person/family occupancy. When vacated, turn light off.

·       Office/Sacristy: Only pastors, assisting elder, sub-deacon, altar guild, and treasurer, each upholding the appropriate 6-foot rule.

·       While vesting, one at a time in sacristy

·       Altar guild will wait to clean-up until servers have removed vestments

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3 April 2020 – Friday of Judica

3 April 2020
Friday of Judica

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
Palm Sunday begins the most liturgically rich and rubrically dense week of the Church calendar. It’s a week that begins outside with palm branches in hand and shouts of “Hosanna!”, which means, “save us now!” from Ps 118. The joy turns somber and reflective as we then begin our daily reading of the Holy Passion: Monday, according to St. Matthew; Tuesday, St. Mark; Wednesday, St. Luke (each at 8pm at Trinity and FB live). Maundy Thursday is the celebration of our Lord’s institution of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, where He gives His body and His blood to us. That service ends with the beautiful chanting of Ps 22 while the altar is stripped. Then comes Good Friday, with the Chief Service at noon at Grace, full of the reproaches, the Passion of St. John, and the adoration of the Holy Cross. In the evening is the Tenebrae Vespers Service at 8pm at Trinity, a service of diminishing light and the closing of the tomb (strepitus). Holy Saturday is a day, then, of rest—just as our Lord rested on the seventh day at Creation, now He rests in the tomb, having “finished” all His work. We’ll gather again that evening at 8pm for the Easter Vigil, recounting the death and resurrection of Jesus throughout the OT, remembering our baptism, thanking God for this night on which our Lord Jesus rose from the dead! It’s our first peak into the paschal joy of Easter.
I can’t tell you how much it pains me that this week—of all weeks!—is muted by the current pandemic. Our elders still feel that it is not best for us to permit the gathering of the Church and that these services, as beautiful as they are, must be enjoyed digitally from our homes. I will try my best to stream them on FB live and upload them to YouTube, as we’ve been doing for daily Matins and Vespers. All services will be streamed from Trinity and can be found on Trinity’s Facebook page. Matins will still be prayed daily at Grace and live-streamed from Grace’s page at 9am.
Here are the Bulletins for each of the services—they’re left as full as they would have been used by us in our regular gathering.
            Palm Sunday
            Holy Monday
            Holy Tuesday
            Holy Wednesday
            Maundy Thursday
            Good Friday: Chief Service, Tenebrae Service
            Easter Vigil
Also, here’s the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. I’ll post my sermon on the website as usual.
Locally, it appears that Immanuel will still be offering the Divine Service on Tuesday at 11am, Wednesday at 7pm, and on Thursday at 11am.
If you’ve missed any of the services or my daily devotions and don’t have FB, please see my YouTube channel.
Speaking of daily devotions, here’s the one from today. It’s one that I desperately needed and thought I’d share with you. Somehow, when everything shut down, I became busier…but with a busy-ness that didn’t produce anything new and that certainly didn’t lead to any greater rest or fulfillment. Friday is a good day to remember that we work for leisure and rest; and that leisure is the source of culture. Enjoy!
Coming up…

  • Today:
    • Private Absolution is still offered every Friday from 4-5pm
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  • Sunday:
    • 9:30am Live-Stream Divine Service at Trinity
  • Monday – Wednesday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 8pm Compline (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Maundy Thursday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 8pm Divine Service (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Good Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 12pm Good Friday Chief Service at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution at Trinity
    • 8pm Tenebrae Vespers (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Holy Saturday:
    • 8pm Easter Vigil at Trinity (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)

  Some Things to Read while at Home…

  • Our friend, Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller wrote a new book. You can get a free pdf here, or get a physical copy for $10 here.
  • Also, the Eighth Day Institute has been putting out a “Daily Synaxis”. You can subscribe here. From today’s there is a wonderful little article by Wendell Berry, in which he reflects on the things that distract us from our humanity—“they are revelations of a crisis of culture,” he says. Read that here.

  Prayer requests…

  • For the Conrads, our missionaries in Mexico City, who are similarly trying to navigate ministry and home life, but in a foreign culture and country. Their newsletter can be read here.

Many blessings and rest to you all in Christ our life,
– Pastor

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Judica Sunday, 29 March 2020

28 March

Dear Saints and Friends of Grace & Trinity,
This Sunday is Judica Sunday. It’s a prayer for God’s judgment, vindication, justice. But that’s a prayer that we can only pray tied to the cross of Christ, where true judgment and vindication is to be found. There He sheds His blood for us, delivering us from our enemies, and giving us access to an eternal redemption.
While we won’t be gathering at Grace or Trinity this Sunday, we will be offering a live-stream of the service on Trinity’s Facebook page at 9:30am and will record it on YouTube to send to those not on FB. If you’re able, please “join” us. Here’s the Bulletin, the news/notes, and the congregation at prayer for Sunday. I’ll post my sermon on the website as usual.
Coming up…

  • Saturday:
    • We’re postponing our church clean-ups at both congregations.
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  • Sunday:
    • 9:30am Live-Stream Divine Service at Trinity
  • Monday – Friday:
    • 9am Matins at Grace (w/Live-Stream on Grace’s FB page)
    • 8pm Vespers/Evening Prayer (w/Live-Stream on Trinity’s FB page)
  • Wednesday & Friday
    • 4-5pm Private Absolution

A Few More Things to Keep You Busy at Home…

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